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One ward and Short Summary notes
Library and Information Science
Table of Contents
Abbreviations in Library and Information Science II.
Onewards Answer Breif &
Short Summary
iii Short Notes
and Reason Q & A
related to Library and Information Science
Events for Memories
Firsts In Library Science
Dr. Ranganathan List of Publication
X. Library Quotes
XI. Importat Library, location and year of established
XII. Cataloge Code and Year of Established
XIII. Classification Code
XIV. Author and Area Personality
I - Frequently Used Abbreviations in Library and Information Science
AACR: Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules.
ALCTS : The Association for Library Collections & Technical Services
AJAX : Asynchronous
JavaScript and XML
ANSI : American National Standards Institute
API : Application Programming Interface.
ARL : Association of Research Libraries.
ARPANET: Advanced Research Projects Agency Network.
ASIS: American Society for Information Science.
ASLIB: Association for Information Management, previously, the Association of Special Libraries and Information Bureau.
ASTINFO : Regional Network for the exchange of information and experience in science and technology in Asia and the Pacific
BLAISE : British Library’s Automated Information Service
BIS : Bureau of Indian Standards
CALIBER: Convention on Automation of LIBraries in Education
and Research Institutions.
CAS: Current Awareness Service
CCF: Common Communication Format
CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals.
CMS: Content Management System.
COPSAT : Current Online Patent in Science and Technology
COUNTER : Counting Online Usage of Networked Electronic Resources
CPM : Critical Path Method
DCMI: Dublin Core Metadata Initiative.
DDS: Document
Delivery Service
DELNET: Developing Library NETwork.
DLF: Digital Library Federation.
DMAIC: Define, Measure, Access, Improve and Control
DNS: Domain
Naming System.
DRTC: Documentation Research and Training Centre. ENIAC : Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator
ESS : Electronic Spread Sheet
End User License Agreement
FAIFE : Freedom of Access to Information and Freedom of Expression
FRAD: Functional Requirements for Authority Data.
FRBR: Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records.
FSF: Free Software Foundation.
FTE : Full-Time equivalent
FTP: File Transfer Protocol.
GPRS: General Packet
Radio Service.
GSDL: Green Stone Digital Library Software.
GUI : Graphic
User Interface
HTML: Hyper Text Mark Up Language.
HTTP: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.
IASLIC: Indian Association of Special Libraries and Information Centers.
IATLIS: Indian Association of Teachers of Library and Information Science.
ICOLC : International Coalition of Library Consortia
IFLA: International Federation of Library Associations and
ILL: Inter Library Loan
INDEST: Indian National Digital library in Engineering Sciences and Technology
INFLIBNET : INFormation and LIBrary
IP: Internet Protocol.
ISBD: International Standard Bibliographic Description.
ISO: International Organization for Standardization.
ISP: Internet Service Provider.
ISSN : International Standard Serial Number.
JANET: Joint Academic NETwork.
JOCLAI : Joint Council of Library Associations of India
LAN: Local Area Network.
LCSH – Library of Congress Subject Heading
LIPHIS - Linked Phrase Indexing System) was developed by
LOCKSS : Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe
MALI: Medical Library Association of India.
MAN: Metropolitan Area Network.
MARC : MAchine Readable Catalogue.
MEDLARS : Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System
Encoding and Transmission Standard
MIPS : Million Instructions Per Second
NCP: Network
Control Protocol.
NISCAIR: National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources.
NSF: National
Science Foundation.
OAI-PMH: Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting.
OCLC: Online Computer Library Centre.
OPAC: Online Public Access Catalogue
OWL : Web Ontology Language
PCM : Pulse Code Modulation
PERT : Program Evaluation and Review Techniqu
PLANNER: Promotion of Library Automation and Networking in North Eastern Region.
RDA: Resource Description and Access.
RFID : Radio Frequency IDentification
RRRLF: Raja Rammohun Roy Library Foundation
SCONUL : The Standing Conference on National and University Libraries
SDI: Selective
Dissemination of Information
SIS: Society for Information Science.
SOUL : Software for University Libraries
SRU : Search / Retrieval via URL
SYNTOL : Syntagmatic Organisation Language
Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol.
UNESCO: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
UNIMARC: Universal Machine Readable Catalogue
URL: Uniform Resource Locator.
UTF : Unicode Transformation Format (16 bit Unicode to 7/8 bit character conversion)
VDU : Visual Display Unit
VGA : Video Graphic Adopter
VLSI : Very Large Sale Integration
WADEX : Word and
Author Index
WAN: Wide Area Network.
WCDMA : Wideband Code Division Multiple Access
WIPO: World Intellectual Property Organization.
WORM : Write Once Ready Many
WPI : World Patents Index
WWW: World Wide Web.
YAHOO : Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle
ZBB : Zeor Base Budgeting
II Onewards Answers Breif & Short Summary
Information is Organised Data2.
‘Fair use’ is a term most
relevant to Copy right. 'Fair use' is the norm for determining the legality of
Photocopying an entire book
WIPO stands for World
Intellectual Property Organization
Handling of Information in the
sense of production is called Information
The term Information science came
into exist in this year 1959
concerned with copy rights
Communication Barrier is noise
Communication Medium is Radio
9. In communication mode Shannon and weaver information is BIT, (Sender, Channel, Message, Receiver and feedback) in 1948.
10. Communication channel Formal & Informal
11. Informal communication among knowledgeable person is known as Invisible College
12. Document is physical carrier of information
13. Entropy is not associated with the communication system, degree of Uncertainty in Information. Unavailable information for doing useful work
14. Logical sequence of the following Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom
15. The invisible web refers to that part of the internet, which is hidden from the search
16. Who was the chairman of National Library Committee of India. B.S. Jha
17. Which organization applied Library and Information Policy in India at national level. RRRLF
18. The head quarter of Patent Information System in Nagpur, India
19. The act enacted in India in 1856 on Intellectual Property Right was based on British Patent Law 1852
20. Whether intellectual property can be sold. Sale is possible
21. The term communication came from which language Latin
22. Who is the propounded of the term information transfer Beesman
23. To which country the credit is given to coin the term information society Japan by MaSuda
Second by Tom Stonier, and Daniel Bell (1980), Alvin Toffler and John Naisbitt USA 1970
24. Today information is regarded as which of the following Wealth, Commodity, and Products
25. Now a day’s what is a most important vital resource for societal development of a country Information
26. The unit of information called Byte
27. Dr.S. R. Ranganathan was appointed as a National research professor of Library science 1962
28. Delhi University first started M.Lib.Sc. & M.Phil courses
29. Which Commission recommended 10% of the total college budget for development of Libraries Kothari committee
30. Where did Dr. S. R. Ranganathan put forth his five laws of library science? Meenakshi college, Annamalainagar in 1931
31. When ILA did became the member of IFLA? 1957
32. In which year Aslib was acquired by MCB group, the holding company for emerald group publishing? 2010
33. Which association`s tagline is “Managing Information”? ASLIB
34. Which association`s tagline is “connecting people and information” SLA
35. Where is the headquarter of SLA? located
at Viginia established 1909
36. Which organization has introduced the concept of “Sister libraries” for children`s and young adults reading? IFLA
37. ISBN allocation office in India shifted from Kolkatta to Delhi in 2011
38. Which two organizations jointly published survey on digitization and preservation? IFLA + UNESCO
39. Who said that “Librarianship is not a profession”? Madden, Moon, Moore, Mc Pheron
40. Which organization was joined with Library Association to form CILIP in 2002? Institute of Information Scientists
41. In which year International Institute of Documentation changed to International Federation of Documentation? 1937
42. In which year headquarter of FID was shifted from Brussels to The Hague? 1934
43. Who gave the sixth law of library science “Every reader his/her freedom”? James R. Rettig
44. Where was the first library noticed in India? Sarasvathi
45. When was the curriculum development committee on LIS instituted? 1990-93
46. Who published the Journal International Classification? ISKO
47. When was Information Science added to Librarianship? 1950
48. Which association in India awards teachers in LIS? IATLIS
49. Which law of library Science relates to the growth of libraries 5th law
50. UAP stands for Universal Availability of Publications, The IFLA Universal Availability of Publications Core Activity (UAP) and Office for International Lending (OIL), which has been hosted by the British Library at Boston Spa, United Kingdom, since the late 1970s, closed on 31st March 2003.
51. Resource sharing is a part of Library cooperation
52. The five laws of Library Science published in the book from in the year 1931
53. Library Technology Report is a publication of ALA
54. ABGILA is a quarterly publication of (ILA) Indian Library Association
55. American Library Association established - 1876
56. The Canadian Library Association -1946
57. Special Libraries Association - 1909
58. The Association of Research Libraries -1932
59. Dr.S.R.Ranganathan coined the term for mobile libraries is Library on Wheels
60. Forms of Extension service are Library Websites, Library Orientation, Book fair and Exhibition
61. The first library school was started by Melvin Dewey (1851 to 1931)
62. Ubuntu is built on Debian's architecture and infrastructure, to provide Linux server, desktop, phone, tablet and TV operating systems, first released oct 2004
63. The secondary source of information comprised of Indexing and Abstracting periodicals
64. Dr. S. R. Ranganthan categorized information source into conventional, non conventional, neo conventional and micro documents
65. Article published in research journal are Primary sources
66. The Thesaurus is a collection of selected terminology, synonymous terms and list of words
67. Patent is an agreement between the inventor and the Government
68. Word of learning is a Secondary source of information and Published by Europa publication (London)
69. Indian books in Print are published from New Delhi
70. Statesman year book is published from London MacMillan, Annually published, since 1864
71. Library Herald edited by Krishan Kumar from Delhi library Association since 1958 published quarterly.
72. Web-scale service at Punjab University’s (PU) APRIL 2015 Facility will provide access to around eight lakh books and journals as well as provide unique ways for users to connect with librarians
73. ILA 60 year diamond jubilee celebrated at chandigar april 2015
74. First editor of “Modern Librarian” F.Monbrary Volte
75. Who is the author of “Dictionary of anonymous and pseudonymous literature” S. Halkett & J. Laing
76. Indian National Bibliographical first appeared in 1957
77. Compton year book contains outstanding events
78. Online Europa year book has a coverage since 1985
79. The Renardus is a multi-subject gateway and academic subject gateway service in Europe
was launched in April 2002.
80. Reference sources are those which used to obtain particular information
81. Encyclopedia of Library and information science published by M.Dekker
82. Retrospective search service is a type of Responsive service
83. New encyclopedia Britannica is useful for ready references Propaedia
84. Year book are also known as Annual
85. What is India: A reference annual? Year Book
86. What is Trade bibliography? List of books in print or for sale compiled by a publisher
87. Who publishes INIS Atom Index? INIS (Viena)
88. What is the meaning of E-Documents? In electronic form such as Cassettes, CD-ROMs, etc.
89. Inscription is not the documents
90. Generally the information sources are divided mainly into following categories?
Documentary and non-documentary
91. What are non- documentary sources? Which are in not printed form
92. Today which type of information sources is most useful? Non- Documentary source
93. Cumulative book index is published from USA by H. W. Wilson Company's first original reference title was the Cumulative Book Index, first published in 1898. This was followed by the Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature in 1901.
94. Bibliographies and Abstracts are the example of information consolidation
98. Free software movement done by Richard Stallman
99. In an empirical research on the "Impact of user education on Library use Patterns",
'Library Use' is : An Dependent variable
100. BIS was previously known as ISI.
101. Cover to cover translation is treated as Current awareness services
102. What is the suitable reference sources to know about the information of a
particular place? Gazetteer, in India it was First published by Ministry of Home Affairs
103. Guide book suitable reference sources to find out the list of historical monuments of Delhi.
104. What do you call a collection of maps, tables, charts, etc.? Atlas
105. Encyclopedia Americana consists of 30 Volumes
106. The Encyclopædia Britannic it was first published between 1768 and 1771 in Edinburgh, Scotland as
three volumes.15th edition contained 32 volumes 1985 to 2010. Micro- and Macropædia, which
encompass 12 and 17 volumes, respectively, each volume having roughly one thousand pages. The
two-volume index of 1995 has 2350 pages. There is also the Propædia with topical organization of the
contents. And there are some versions for children. After 244 Years, Encyclopædia Britannica Stops
the Presses". New York Times. Retrieved 13 March 2012.
107. Thesis is a Primary sources of information
108. What is the publication frequency of Books in print? Annually Published by R.R. Bowker
109. What is National bibliography? List of books published in a particular Nation
110. World of learning is a Secondary source of information published by Europa Year book, It’s a Directory
111. INB (Indian National Bibliographical) First Published in 1957 and Published by Sakithiya Akademi,
frequency of publication monthly.
112. The author of Introduction to Librarianship is: J.K. GATE
113. The term “Information Service” is an improvised name Reference service
114. Abstracting service provides whole bibliographic description along with abstracts of article.
115. Which service demands the creation of a ‘user’ profile and Feedback mechanism is a part of which
service? SDI
116. Reference service is the contact between the Right Reader and the Right Book in the Right Personal
Way” was stated by Dr.S.R. Ranganathan
117. CAS is defined as a process of dissemination of current information
118. Mobile library is a kind of which service? Extension service
119. Reading centre, story hours, exhibition and reading to literature are form of Extension service
120. Peter F. Drucker defined M.B.O. (Management by Objectives in 1954)
121. Who said the demand and supply theory of books? Mc Colvin moors
122. To provide the best books to the maximum readers at the least cost" said by Melvil Dewey, 1876
123. Who is the father of Classical School Henri Fayol
124. Who is the father of Scientific Management and 14 principle F.W. Taylor
125. PERT was developed in the late 1950's for the U.S. Navy's Polaris project is management tool using
statistical techniques for System Analysis. Planning, Scheudling and Controlling are the different phase
of PERT Study. PEART approach is a device developed to better utilize of time in a series of activities
126. CPM - Critical Path Method, In 1957, DuPont developed as a network model for project
management method Designed
127. PPBS relates to Budgeting, developed by Rand Corporation
128. Herzberg’s theory deals with Theory of Motivation & Theory X and Theory Y
129. Who coined the word POSDCORB Luther Gulick , it related to Library administration
130. Old and fragile book can be preserved by Microfilming, Re-binding, Digesting.
131. Peer review is a Pre-publication articles scrutiny
132. Posting the right person at the right place is called Recruitment
133. Financial support given to libraries are of two types - Recurring and Non- Recuring / Endowments
134. Recuring expenses Reading material & Staff salary expenses
135. Non-Recuring expenses are capital expenses like Library Building, Furniture and fittings, computer etc.
136. Principle of maximum aggregate benefit is concerned with Library service
137. Library Budget takes items of expenditure for libraries as the working data for allocation of funds.
138. A budget which mainly covers items of current revenue and expenditure is called Capital budget
139. The library budget of a university is passed by the Executive Counseling
140. In fund accounting, Recurring fund can not be used for other purposes.
141. Scrutiny of financial transactions is called Auditing
142. What are the two parts of the annual report of the library Descriptive and Statistical
143. Who is the pioneer of open access system in British libraries James Duff Brown
144. When was Browne charging system started? 1895
145. Who started New york Charging system? John Cotton Dana
146. When did electrically operated book charging system introduced first? 1932
147. How many columns are there in the accession register? 14 colums, Size 16” x 13”
148. First time efforts for the development of libraries in India were made by Dr. S.R. Ranganathan
149. “Introduction to Reference source” was written by W.A. Katz.
150. Three card system introduced by S. R. Ranganathan 1) Register card, 2)Check Card,
3) Classified Index card
151. A good library building is an outcome of librarian and Architect
152. Stacks are the storage
areas for the various types of documents kept in a library
153. Study carrels are exclusive areas meant for Researchers
154. Library catalogue cards are filed in specially designed drawers called Catalogue cabinet
A standard
size of a unit cabinet is size 23" * 28". It can hold 48000 catalogue cards.
155. Information Gatekeepers come under Documentary sources
156. Grogan categorizes documents into three types such as primary, secondary and tertiary.
157. Specification a legal document and can be used as a source of industrial information.
158. In Encyclopedia Britannica Micropaedia acts as an index to macropaedia
159. Payments for the books purchased can be made only after accessioning
160. Technical section performs mainly two functions namely classification and cataloguing
161. PRECIS was developed by Derek Austin for use in the BNB published weekly, PRECIS adopted
2 line entry formats for all Entries. In PRECIS Main line operators, Interposed operators and
Differencing cooperators are the role operators. In 1967 come into being. Shunting method in index is
used in PRECIS.
162. Accession Register is one of the records of circulation section.
163. Getting books back from the users and releasing the borrower’s ticket is known as discharging
164. While entering the library, the personal belongings of a reader is kept in Property counter
165. Books misplaced on the shelves by readers are restored. This work is
referred to as Shelf
166. Outdated
and seldom used books are withdrawn from the library is known as Weeding out
167. The objective of library binding is durability of the library materials
All part and pages of a volume are correctly
sequenced in the first stage of binding process known as
collation (or) checking pagination.
169. Sheets before and after the text of a book are called End papers
170. Leather being used as one of the
binding materials i.e. Sheep skin is
the strongest leather.
171. ALA has prescribed certain standards for library binding
172. TQM (Total Quality Management) is a process of helping employees in an organization to acquire new
skills and competence on a continuing basis. Though Japanese writer first to adopt the quality concepts,
the original thinkers were American. Three main contributors to the Total Quality Management
approach are: W. Edwards Deming, Josheph M. Juran and Philip B. Crosby. Other important
contributors are Feigenbaum, Ishikawa, Taguchi and Shigeo Shigeo.
173. A skillful method of providing means mechanism and structural elements to streamline
organizational work is known as Strategic planning
On which of the following technologies semantic web is not based? Cloud seeding
World Wide Web (WWW) was first designed by Tim Berner's Lee
176. The concept of Artificial Intelligence (AI) belongs to Fifth Generation Computers
177. The term "Cyberspace" was first used by William Gibson
178. Ted Nelson created Project Xanadu (System) in 1960 and coined the term hypertext in 1963.
179. Computer memory is measured in Bits, Bytes, KB,MB,GB, TB,
180. There are three types of basic languages used in computer programming Machine, Assembly and high
level languages
181. There are Three (3) switching system are Message Switch, Pocket Switch, Circuit Switch
182. NICNET and INDONET are the networks of which category WAN
183. Who designed analytical engine Charless Babbage
184. Calculating machine is developed by PASCAL
185. In which five year plan the INFLIBNET was established seventh five year plan
186. INFLIBNET headquarters is located at Ahmadabad (Gujarat) regional centre J.L Nehru
University New Delhi, Indian Institute of Science (Bangalore), Jadvapur University Kolkat,
University Pune (West)
187. The full form of ERNET? Education and Research Network in India provided the
first e-mail service in the country. Project was started in 1986.
188. Who publishes Annals of Library Science and documentation INSDOC Now (NISCAR)
189. What is full text e-Resourcec. American chemical society
190. ISID (Institute for Studies in Industrial Development) is E-Bibliographic database
191. The Electronic Library is A Journal Name
192. Virtual accommodates Different version of the MARC Standard are USMARC, UKMARC
193. The journal of Library and Information Science is Interlending and Document supply
194. E-prints is A repository
195. What two is a Library Management Software for small libraries Library Solution (Baily
Solution UK) and Follet
196. APS is a Full-Text E-Resources
197. Library and Information Science Journal name Reference Reviews incorporating ASLIB Book Guide
198. Mean, Median and Mode are Measures of control tendency
199. ‘Cranfield Studies’ 1960 are an example of Experimental Research, This Project was
established in UK its, concerned with Evaluating Indexing System.
200. Research is working in a scientific way to search for truth of any problem
201. Identification of problem
is the first step in starting the research process.
202. A common test in research demands much priority on Reliability, Useability, Objectivity
203. A reasoning where we start with certain particular statements and conclude with a universal statement
is called Inductive Reasoning
204. Research is conducted to Generate new knowledge, Obtain research degree, Reinterpret existing
205. The essential qualities of a researcher are Spirit of free enquiry, Reliance on observation And
Evidence, Systematization or theorizing of knowledge
206. A research paper is a brief report of research work based on Both Primary & Secondary Source
207. In the process of conducting
research ‘Formulation of Hypothesis” is followed by Selection of
Research Tools
208. Hypothesis is a : Speculation
209. A research design is a series of sampling and it should not include Findings
210. A hypothesis that is tested for its rejection is : NULL HYPOTHESIS
212. In a research design, which is considered as the most important component : REVIEW LITERATURE
214. Which of the following method of research and useful study on measuring the action life periodical :
215. Mathematical formula for estimating sample size is given by Taro Yamane
216. Research design may be categorized mainly in : Explainatory, descriptive and exploratory research
217. Ink blot test is developed by : 1921 by Hermann Rorschach, Switzerland.
218. Observation can be categorized into following two main type : Participant & Non-Participant
219. The highest method point of spiral method is : ZENITH
220. Conversation of response in to a set number is called : CODING
221. The preliminaries in the research Report include : INTRODUCTION
222. Formulation of fundamental law is: PURE RESEARCH OR (APPLIED)
223. RRRLF was established in 1972 Where is the headquarter located at Culcutta provide ISBN,
Established by the Ministry of Tourism & Culture, Department of Culture, Govt. of India
224. It is a library with little or no physical presence of books, periodicals, reading space or Support staff, but
are that disseminate selective information directly to distribute library customers, usually
electronically”. Said by Powell
225. A library is a public institution or establishment charged with the care of collection of books, the duty
of making them accessible to those who require the use of them and the task of converting every person
in its neighborhood into a habitual library goers and reader of books.”Quoted by Dr S R Ranganathan
226. Special libraries serve a specialist clientel, located within a single establishment or group and all
Engaged in working towards one common purpose.” Said by R.Astall
227. Classification of all types of libraries has been made by UNESCO
228. Reading centre’s, story hours, exhibitions and reading to literature are forms of Extension service and
Service of a public library
229. Which library first introduced the printed catalog British
230. Informal self education is possible in Public Library
231. Identify the association that has changed its original name SLA
232. Ontology is Classification of Internet based documents
233. Conference proceedings are considered as Primary documents.
234. RSS feed is a tool of : Web 2.0
235. CRG stands for Classification Research Group was fromed in year 1952 by J. Mills located at London
Its analysis the information reterival.
236. SCIRUS search engine is exclusively meant for scientific information (withdraw 2014)
237. Bradford’s Law related to Law of scattering
238. Lotkas Law related to Author’s productivity Y = C/Xn Frequency of authors making X contribution
239. Eugene Garfield study of Citation indexing (c) It was First developed in the Field of Law.
240. Zip’s Law of Word frequency
241. 'Kinesis' is related to communication
242. Citation creators or citation generators are online tools which facilitate the creation of works
cited and bibliographies. Citation creators use web forms to take input and format the output according
to guidelines and standards, such as the
Modern Language Association's MLA Style Manual (1985),
American Psychological Association's APA style1974 6th ed published in 2009,
The Chicago Manual of Style (1906) (or) Kate L. Turabian format. Some citation creators generate
only run-time output, while others Store the citation data for later use.
243. Who among the following honoured with ‘Nobel Prize’ for his substantial contribution in
Documentation Henri La Fontaine
244. LA is the Library Association of Great Britain
245. Three great achievements in U.S.A. were noticed i.e. enunciation of DDC classification scheme,
formation of American Library Association and the publication of 1st Journal of the librarianship in the
year 1876
246. MeSH is the name of a Controlled Vocabulary tool used in Pubmed. MEDLARS 1964
248. Who is regarded as father of bibliography ? Conrad Gesner
249. Linear model of communication in knowledge based on Aristotles’ model of communication was
Proposed by C.E. Shannon & W. Weaver
250. Library Legislation refers to the development of Pubic Library
251. Calcutta Public Library was established during 19th Century in 1836, first state - aided public Library
by Maharaja Sayajirao Gaekwad
252. Mozila is Web browser
253. The Library Association found in 1877
254. Pure notation used in DDC
255. There are 4 National Libraries are receiving books through delivery of books and newspaper Act 1954
Amended in year 1956.
256. American country denotes in sears list of subject heading.
257. An appropriate source to find out descriptive information is Encyclopedia
258. The Farmington plan is associated with Library Cooperation
259. UNESCO assisted Model Public Library in India is located at Delhi
260. Shelf list facilitates Stock verification
261. A periodical evaluation of an employee is done through Performance appraisal
262. “Controlled Group” is a term used in Experimental research
263. ‘Noise’ in Information Retrieval is due to redundant information.
264. The concept “Invisible College” first used by Derek Solla Price
265. Information Technology good keeper defied by Allent Kent
266. IFLA took up the “Universal Availability of Publication” program in the year 1972
267. International Information System on Research in Documentation (ISORID) was established by
UNESCO (NATIS) National Information System.
268. The relationship between ISBD and cataloguing codes Cataloguing codes will include bibliographic
269. COPSAT stands for Current Online Patent in Science and Technology
270. Tagging in web 2.0 application is called Syndication /Directory. Web 2.0 websites allow users to do
more than just retrieve information. Major features of Web 2.0 include social networking sites, user
created web sites, self-publishing platforms, tagging, and social bookmarking.
271. CBSE chairman Vineet Joshi. Class XI and XII students in CBSE schools can now opt for library and
information science (L.I.Sc) from 2014 to 2015 (Feb)
273. The concept of concretes and processes was given by S. R. Ranganathan
274. High Level Language is Machine independent
275. The transmission of receiver’s reaction back to the sender is known as Feedback
276. Currently “Science Citation Index” is published by Thomson
277. Protocol means Interchange of data between two computers, A set of rules that govern overall at a
communications system
278. Which of the following is an ‘Acronym’ UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization, established in 1946
279. Staffing is concerned with providing and maintaining of Human resources.
280. Meaning of 'Translation Pools' is Agency of the names of translation experts.
281. Stochastic equation of information solved by dynamic rules general equilibrium model.
(stands for Software for University Libraries).
283. Whether Library is a system? Yes, it has various sections as sub-systems coordinating each other
forming a system.
284. The 'Five Laws of Library Science' propounded by Dr. S. R. Ranganathan, is which type of research
Applied Research or Basic Research.
285. Information Science is a discipline that investigates, the properties and behaviour of information the
forces governing the flow of information, the means for processing of information for optimal uses.
286. The term 'Bibliophile' refers to a Book Lover.
287. Accession register record is the hub of the stack in a library.
288. In 1910 year A. W. Borden start a refresher course for librarians in India.
289. Information may be categorized into 3 type, statistical, descriptive and analytical
290. Open source software for library management are KOHA, AVANT1, PHP and MyLibrary, Evergreen,
OPAL, PhpMyBibli, OpenBook, OpenBiblio, Greenstone Digital Library Software (GSDL), Dspace, Fedora
291. Modular system of library building facilitates Flexibility and expansion
292. Convention on Automation of Libraries in Education and Research Institutions (CALIBER) is
Conference is an annual convention, organized by INFLIBNET Centre in collaboration with different
293. Francis Bacon said 'some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed and some few to be chewed
and digested'.
294. Six sigma is a business management strategy developed by MOTOROLA company in USA in 1981.
It seeks to improve the quality of process output by identifying and removing the cause of defect and
minimizing variability in manufacturing and business process.
It uses a set of quality management methods including statistical method and creates a special
of people within the organization.
Application in libraries:
1) Developing specialized pool of
library professionals
2) Developing quality services
3) Judicious budget allocation
295. Ku band used for Satellite Communication
296. ASK (Approach, Skill, Knowledge) principle is related to management
297. Which section of the library is known as hub of the staff Technical section.
298. Who suggested for Book Order Vigilance Pad (BOVP)? Dr.S. R. Ranganathan.
299. BSO in classification stands for Broad Subject Ordering.
300. The concept of Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI) was introduced by H.P. Luhn of IBM
in 1959
301. The book 'Library Administration' was brought out by Dr.S.R. Ranganathan in 1931
302. DRDC is the first centre to use computer in the library and information activities in India
303. The marketing concepts in Library Service include, analysis, planning, implementation and control
304. Delivery of Book Act passed in the year 1954, 23rd April is an important date for Librarian as it is
305. In 1931 the International Institute of Documentation established
306. “Roger Payne" was famous in Book Binder
307. ‘Quality Circles’ in organization is used in Management Control
308. J.D.Brown was Published the monthly Journal “The Library World’
309. is the Architecture, Planning & Landscape Information Gateway - a global Gateway for
information and a forum for its exchange.
310. EDWEB is Networking, resource sharing, collaboration, and professional development for
The education community.
311. is a global Meta search engine. It provides extensive web search and fetches results from
top search engines.
312. is a search engine that finds what your looking for on the web, and returns relevant
Web sites
313. is a specialized information organization online tool
314. Retrospective search service is a type of Reference service
315. Propaedia part of new Encylopedia Britannica is useful for ready reference
310. E-Documents its means in electronic form such as Cassettes, CD-ROMs, etc.
311. Atlas call a collection of maps, tables, charts, etc.
312. 11 volumes are Micropaedia of new Encyclopedia Britannica is published
313. Encyclopedia Americana consists of 30 volums
314. Book in print published in Annually
315. National Bibliography is a List of books published in a particular Nation (BNP & INP)
316. Abstracting service provides whole bibliographic description of articles
317. Today’s fibre optic systems are a little like quicksand. With fibre optics, after a certain point, the
more power you add to the signal, the more distortion you get, in effect preventing a longer reach,” said
corresponding author Nikola Alic from the Qualcomm Institute at University of California – San Diego.
318. SDI service demands the creation of a ‘user’ profile
319. CAS is defined as a process of dissemination of current information
320. C.A. Cutter the Rules for Dictionary Catalogue
321. Secondary Entries is another name of Added entries
322. Sears List of Subject Heading Published from 1923(SLSH) use full for small and Medium Libraries,
published by H.W. Wilson
323. MARC project completed in 1967 and launched 1968.
324. E.C.Richardson defined notation as short and sign.
325. Dr. S. R. Ranganathan enunciated the five fundamental categories (PMEST)
326. In 1950 the different typological study towards mode of formation of subjects done
327. The word classification comes from the Latin word Classis
328. Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR) is a conceptual entity- relationship
model developed by the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) that
relates user tasks of retrieval and access in online library catalogues and bibliographic databases from a
user’s perspective. It represents a more holistic approach to retrieval and access as the relationships
between the entities provide links to navigate through the hierarchy of relationships. The model is
significant because it is separate from specific cataloguing standards such as AACR2 or International
Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD). Four entity of FRBR model are Work, Expression,
Manifestation, Item. The FRBR Final Report was first published in print in 1998 by K.G. Saur as
volume 19 of UBCIM publications
329. Three great achievements in U.S.A. were noticed i.e.
i) Enunciation of DDC classification scheme,
ii) Formation of American Library Association and the publication of
iii) First Journal of the librarianship in the year published 1876
330. There are 6 Auxiliary tables are in DDC 23rd Edition published 2011 June, John S. Mitchell editor of
the 22 & 23rd Edition published by OCLC. Ist edition DDC Consisted of 44 pages
331. In DDC 17th edition “Auxiliary Table for Area” was first introduced
332. Phoenix schedules are part of which classification of DDC allotted for feature purpose.
334. The Dewey Decimal Classification divides human knowledge into 10 basic categories.
335. The term pre-natal cataloguing first used by Dr. S.R.Ranganathan, Its means Cataloguing in Source
336. In CC LED stands for Latest Effective Decade
337. Accession Number means Unique Number for a book inside a particular library.
338. ISSN consist of 8 Digits, Journals or periodicals First part of ISSN represents (First digit represents
Name of Publisher and last digit represents Check Digit) ISSN international centre is based on ISSN
Centre is located in Parris. It was established in 1975.
339. Who is responsible to providing ISSN in India NISCAIR
340. ISBN (International Standard Book Number) changed from 10 digits to 13 from January 2007 ISBN
format was developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) First launched in
1969. In 2011 the ISBN allocation office in India shifted from Kolkatta to Delhi
341. ISBN 978, 3 digit belong to country represent of INDIAN Publication
342. ISBN contains 13 digit number 5 parts
343. First component of an ISBN number 1st Group Identification,2nd Publisher, 3rd Title Identifier,
4th Check Digit, 5th EAN (European Article Number) is similar to a UPC Number
344. The ISO 3297 deal with ISSN
345. Dr. S. R. Ranganathan, the father of Library and Information Science in India, introduced the concept
of "trinity in library". He says that "a library is a trinity made up of books, reader and staffs
346. James Duff Brown the pioneer of open access system in British libraries in 1932
347. J.D. Brown enunciated the Subject Classification, 1906
348. The Title ‘Treatment of Lung disease” is an example of Compound Subject
349. Luther Gulick, an American has described the functions of an executive in terms of an acronym
POSDCORB, representing Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing, COordinating, Reporting and
Budgeting. Its related to Library Administration
350. Stoner define that the concept of construction and destruction more democratic and less authorities
351. Herbert Simon define Authority as the power to make decision and audience to other”
352. Linedex system used for displaying the periodicals holding
353. Kardex used maintain a visible record of periodical in library
354. Reference was defined by James I wyer In 1935
355. James Wyer In 1930 propounded 'Conservative, moderate and liberal theories of reference service'
356. There are three types of Reference services theories presented by James Wyer In 1930
357. Samuel Rothstein expanded Wyer’s theory in 1960 by characterizing reference service as “minimum,’
‘middling’ and ‘maximum
358. IPR stands for Intellectual Property Right
359. Asa Don Dickson wrote the Punjab Library primer
360. The term “Truncation & Boolean operators are is used in Search Formulation and Online information
Retrieval the logical operator “AND”, “OR”, “NOT”, were devised by George Boole. The Boolean
retrieval model is the standard model for current large-scale retrieval systems. Boolean Algebra used in
Information Retrieval ,‘AND” is productive
361. Boole is known as the "father of the information age" because of his contributions to modern
computer science through his invention of Boolean algebra. 200th year Birthday on 2/11/2015.
The Boolean model is very rigid: AND means “all”; OR means “any”.
362. Performance Budgeting does not take into account what happened in the past but emphasizes on current
363. There are a few basic factors which may be applied in winning the hearts of the readers. They are
Technological factor, service factor, and self factor.
364. Physical condition of the books should be property maintained Conservation
365. Shelf list is an important record of books, which shows the position of any book on the Shelves.
366. Books lost from the library are known through Charging and discharging
367. Following technologies semantic web are RDF, Ontologies, URI
368. Generally a reference service of a library in the conventional form is processed through the stages
which are Preparation, Service, and Assimilation
369. User education may be provided in four interrelated areas which are User's awareness, user studies,
library orientation, bibliographic instruction
370. Greenstone3 : A modular digital library by Katherine Don. Department of Computer Science
University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand
371. In 1985 CD-ROM was prepared and made
372. ISO-9960 is related with Standard for encoding data on CD-ROM
373. Bug is a Error in a Programme
374. Programming language are FORTRAN, BASIC, COBOL, PASCAL, C, C++, JAVA
375. The First electronic computer is ENIAC stands for Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator
376. NICNET and INDONET are WAN networks category
378. ASCII code consist of 256
379. Raw, unevaluated, unprocessed and unorganized facts is known as Data
380. INTERNET was initially developed by US Department of Defense
381. Information retrieval is fastest from Hard Disk
382. An University providing Open Access to Sanskrit dissertations through Internet Delhi University
383. Internet is built around the idea of openness. It allows people to connect and exchange information
freely, if the information or service is not illegal. Much of this is because of the idea of net
neutrality. is an idea derived from how telephone lines have worked since the beginning of the 20th
century. In case of a telephone line, you can dial any number and connect to it. It does not matter if you
are calling from operator A to operator B. It doesn't matter if you are calling a restaurant or a drug
dealer. The operators neither block the access to a number nor deliberately delay connection to a
particular number, unless forced by the law. Some countries have rules that enforce net neutrality but
most don't. Instead, the principle is followed because that is how it has always been. It is more of a
norm than a law
384. UNIX is a Multi user operating system
385. The CD alphabets in CDS/ISIS stands for Computerized Documentation
386. LYCOS, Dogpil, Google, Yahoo are Search Engine
387. Electronic telecommunications system joining millions of computers together in Internet
388. Following is are a social bookmarking site are Diggt, Delicious, Facebook, Orkut, Lislinks.
389. Following is a network protocol are HTTP, SMTP, TCP/IP
390. LOCKOSS (Software) is an international community initiative by Stanford University
391. PDA stands for Personal Digital Assistant
392. Pi is the e-book reading device by Infibeam
393. PLONE, Joomla, Jumbo, Opencms, Fedora, Drupal, Opensourcecms, Alfresco, Dspace, OpenCMS,
Kumera, Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Live there are many Content Management Software (CMS)
freely available
394. Twitter is an example of microblogging
395. International standard organization invented OSI Model in 1982
396. ISDN was first started in 1990 at Singapore
397. Now-a-days there are 2 types of Protocol are used
398. X.25 type of protocol is used by interface for Public Data Network (PDN)
399. ISID is E-Bibliographic database publisher
400. in publication since 1909, Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH)
401. "Shodhganga" is a national level repository of E-Theses
402. Which of the following variables cannot be expressed in quantitative terms Numerical Aptitude/
Profeesional aptitude
403. RFID technology is used in Thieft/ Circulation Control (Check-In /Check-Out)
404. The essential qualities of a researcher are, Spirit of free enquiry, Reliance on observation and evidence,
systematization or theorizing of knowledge
405. A research paper is a brief report of research work based on Both Primary and Secondary Data
406. In the process of conducting research ‘Formulation of Hypothesis’ is followed by Selection of
Research Tools
407. The process of configuring the disk into tracks and sector is called Formatting
408. MEDLINE a public domain database, It’s contains journal citations and abstracts for biomedical
literature from around the world. ( free access, published by NLM National Library of
Medicine US.
409. CD-ROM is a process of information
410. The collection of terms or records in MARC called Database
411. Bibliomentry is Information Management
412. Microchip was invented by Intel
413. Identify the association that has changed its original name SLA
414. Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook
415. ‘Many Voices One World’ published by UNESCO,
416. Henri La Fontaine 22 April 1854 – 14 May 1943, he was a Belgian international lawyer and president of
the International Peace Bureau. He was received the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1913.
417. UNESCO assisted Model Public Library in India is located at Delhi
418. GUI stands for Graphic User Interface
419. LurnQ – Social online learning platform for Learners and Teachers
420. Information Requirements of the Social Science (INFROSS) is an important study frequently quoted in
Experimental Research
421. Folksonomy means Free Classification of Information, in web 2.0 . Folksonomy is Collaborative
knowledge organisation system. Term introduced by Thomas Vander Wal
422. Chairman of National Knowledge Commission is Sam Pitroda
423. Library is a system, it has various sections as sub-systems coordinating each other forming a system
424. Patricia B. Knapp contributed on the systematic use of user's education
425. Web 3.0 its most important features are the Semantic Web and personalization. Focusing on the
computer elements, Conrad Wolfram has argued that Web 3.0 is where "the computer is generating new
information", rather than humans.
426. In 1972 the International Book Year celebrated by UNESCO
427. Shannon & Weaver have given quantifiable definition of Information mathematical model in
“Quantity Theory of Information” (1949)
428. The word Information Science first Described by Chris Hanson of ASLIB 1956
429. Information Science Wesig (1993) coined Postmodern Science
430. Brascom (1986) defied Information Society (American Society for Information Science)
431. Copyright production for works last 50 to 70 years, 23rd April is an important Date for librarian as it is
432. Chairmanship of Prof. D.P. Chattaopadhyaya, Chairman RRLF by dept of Culture I oct1985.
The committee was named as Committee On National Policy on Library and Information system)
(set up in 1985 CONPOLIS) submitted on 1986
433. Dr. S.R. Ranganathan enumerated five laws of Library Science (1931)
1) Books are for Use (Related to location of library, hour of library)
2) Every Reader His/Her Book (Obligation)
3) Every Books its reader (Arrangement)
4) Save the time of the reader
5) Library is a growing organism (weeding out collection 5th law related)
434. Library Act of India was passed in the Madras Legislature out of the efforts made by
MALA (Madras Library Association). This bill was passed in the year 25th November 1948.
435. American ASA DON DICKSON Started part time Apprenticeships program in librarianship in
1915 at Punjab University Lahore
436. In 1920 Andhra Desa Library Association Vijayawada training classes for library work
437. Melvil Dewey student W.A. Borden who had come to Baroda in 1911(who initiated a training program
in libararianship). Melvil Dewey as the American counter part of S.R. Ranganathan. Melvil Dewey:
A Bibliography (1944) written by Frement Rider
438. 1920 training program imitated at Bangalore by dawn of Mysore Sir. M. Vishweswaraiah
439. 1929 MALA conducted regular certificate course
440. 1935 Andhra University started a certificate course (But it was stopped shortly)
441. In 1936 university of Madras started diploma course
442. The imperial library Kolkata (Now known as National Library of India started full time diploma courses
librarianship in year 1935)
443. Banaras Hindu University (1942) and Bombay 1943 started library science course
444. In 1947 Delhi university established PG Diploma course in LIS
445. In 1957 Aligarh Muslim University the first University in India (BLIS course started)
446. In 1960 polytechnics in Delhi, Chandigarh and Bangalore were also started diploma library science
447. ILA Initiative of K.M. ASadullah, Librarian, imperial library of Culcuta, (All India First library
Conference was in the astic society hall Calcutta 12th September 1933.
448. Library day is 20th December
449. Library week celebrated 14th to 20th November (the memories of Pandit Jawharla Nehru) annually since
450. 12th August, 1892 Dr.S.RR Birthday as Librarians Day
451. Abburi Shiyali Research award for Best LIS Research
452. Vedanvayaki fellowship for MLIS students
453. PV.Varghese Prize for best article published in ILA
454. Dr. Umpathi fellowship for LIS students
455. AGBILA (Annals, Bulletin and Grandhalay of Indian Library Association)
456. IASLIC (Indian Association of Special Libraries and Information Centre. 25th June 1955 (ASLIB) UK
and SLA (USA). Mr. Gosh & Muherjee
457. IASLIC Bulletin published Quarterly
458. Indian Library Science (1967) annual published
459. ILA Kaula award for best Librarian
460. Dr.S.R.Ranganathan's autobiography, published serially during his life, is titled “A Librarian Looks
461. The Government of India awarded padmashree to Dr. S. R. Ranganathan for valuable contribution in
Library Science in 1965
462. IATLIS (Indian Association of Teachers of Library and Information Science.) Prof P.N. Kaula and
Dr. D.B, Krishna were the initiators of IATLIS (Dr.S.R.R) endowment lecture 19/12/1965
463. IATLIS Moti wala best teachers award
464. IATLIS Ratna Laxman rao award for women professionals.
465. Society for Information Science (SIS) New Delhi in 1976
467. Library Association (LA UK) was founded on 5th OCT 1877 (London)
468. Public libraries act UK in 1892. BNB(1950) Relation with IFLA & UNESCO (Publication AACRI&II)
469. ASLIB (Association for Information Management) founded in 1924
470. ALA (American Library Association) 1876 located chicago, it was started By Melvil Dewey
471. AACR -1 in year 1967 launched in 1968 and AACR-II in the year 1978
472. SLA (Special Libraries
Association) it was established in the year 1909 (Briton conference of ALA)
473. FID (International Federation for Information and Documentation) it was established in 1895 by (Paul
Otlet and Henry la Fontain with the aim of compiling universal bibliography of Literature.
Development of UBC the name FID adopted in the year 1933 located Hague.
474. The symbols &,+,=,* are employed in which edition of CC: 7th edition
475. Bradford's Law of Scattering has been further examined by B.C. Vickery
476. The Host Institution for National Centre for Bibliometrics (NCB) is INSDOC
477. INTERNET was born in 1969 as: APRANET
479. Flow chart - A graph Picture that shows program logic
480. Zato Coding was invented by Calvin Mooers
481. In a library Subject Specialist and Systems Librarian positions are staff positions
482. Acquisition of foreign periodicals is generally done through Subscription Vendors
483. In CC, the four facets in Basic class “O: (Literature) stands in the following sequences for Language,
Form, Author, Work.
484. Post coordinate Indexes overcome difficulties created by Synonymous terms
485. Dr. C.D. Deshmukh, the first Chairman of UGC (1956) in UGC 2010 S.K Thorat, now Prof. Ved
Prakash 2011 to till.
486. E.C. Richardson is the author of Book “Classification : Theoreticals and Practical”
487. Patron saint of Libraries in America, Andrew Carnegie donated 2 million pounds for development of
Library Building.
488. C.A. Cutter coined “Author Mark in Classification number”.
489. EFTS stands for Electronic Fund Transfer System
490. You can find Broader Terms(BT), Narrower Terms(NT) and Related Terms(RT) in thesaurus.
491. BISNET was launched by FICCI to provide a wide variety of business information service.
492. Which database provides information on the ongoing investment activities in India ? cap ex
493. JCCC stands for J-Gate Custom Content Consortia UGC-Infonet Digital Library Consortium was
formally launched in December, 2003 by Honourable Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam.
495. Geodata and Information Division - Kolkata
Central Drug Research Institute - Pune
Central Salt and Marine Chemical Research Institute – Bhavanagar
Fishery Survey of India - Mumbai
496. The Document Supply Center of the British Library was formly known as LENDING DIVISION
497. V.I.N.I.T.I is the national documentation center of: RUSSIA
498. The acronym F.I.D currently stands for: INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION FOR INFORMATION
499. The Basic information role of a library is to: Collect and disseminate information
500. The National Library of India was declared to open to public on 1st. February, 1953 by Moulana Abdul
Kalam Azad
501. August 14, 1850 is a red letter day in British Library development because: Public Libraries bill
receiving Royal assent
502. The biggest library in the world is: LIBRARY OF CONGRESS
503. The first library association formed in India is: The Bengal Library association
504. The author of Manual of Library Economy is: J.D. Brown
505. Library literature is a tertiary source of information
505. The frequency of Data India is Weekly by Press Institute of India Founded in 1963,
506. The National Knowledge Resource Consortium (NKRC), established in year 2009, is a network of
libraries and information centers of 39 CSIR and 24 DST institutes. NKRC's origin goes back to the
year 2001, when the CSIR set up the Electronic Journals Consortium to provide access to 1200 odd
journals of Elsevier Science to all its users. Developed by NISCAIR, New Delhi. Access of Science
Direct (Elseiver Subject collections wise) has been activated for all member institutions from
1st January, 2012.
507. Current awareness bulletin is information products
508. In 1966 , the MARC as a pilot project was launched library of congress, 260 tag is MARC
Format marks the Publication Information.
509. SAARC documentation centre was established in 1985
510. A questonnaire designed with open-ended questions is known as flexible. The Answers may
be filled in by the respondent
511. Non-sampling errors(nse) are referred to as the errors measurement
512. The libraries identified by INFLIBNET to act as document delivery centers are
1.University of Hyderabad Library & 2. Lucknow University Library
513. Which of the following are trade bibliographies? author profile & user profile
514. Which of the following are trade bibliographies? authority, leadership, accountability
515. Dr. Ranganathan's canons of classification as grouped into three planes of work are number,
common isolate and connecting symbol
516. CLASS library circulation control
517. The Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS), a division of the American
Library Association, is now accepting grant applications for the ALCTS online Fundamentals courses,
For course sections
518. D.B. Krishna Rao. Delhi university in 1957 First PhD in Lib & Inf.Science in India
519. DEL-PLUS: This software was designed and developed by Developing Library Network (DELNET)
520. CD stands for "Automatización de Bibliotecasy Centros de Documentación" (Spanish),which means:
Library and Documentation Centers Automation. Its development is promoted and coordinated by
BIREME, with the support of VLI
521. e-Granthalaya is a library automation software from National Informatics Centre, Department of
Information Technology, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology.
522. Evergreen: Evergreen is an open source library management software, freely licensed under the GNU
GPL. It was first launched in September, 2006 in Georgia's PINES consortium.
523. FireFly: FireFly is a Complete Public Library system. It is being written in Python, Perl, with all data
being stored in XML. The driving force behind this project is to give public libraries a Free-Software
set to run and maintain library systems.
524. Koha is the world's first open-source Integrated Library System (ILS) and it is distributed free of cost
(open source, and so no license fee, ever). It was initially developed in New Zealand by Katipo
Communications Ltd and first deployed in January of 2000 for Horowhenua Library Trust.
525. Library Information and Management System (LIMS): LIMS is a unique library system, designed,
developed, implemented and fully tested by library professionals. It is distributed free of cost to the
libraries. Website:
526. LibSys 7: It is a web based library software product from Libsys Ltd., Gurgaon, Haryana
527. NewGenLib: NewGenLib the first Indian Open Source Software, is an integrated library management
system developed by Verus Solutions Pvt Ltd. Domain expertise is provided by Kesavan Institute of
Information and Knowledge Management in Hyderabad, India. On 9th January 2008, NewGenLib was
declared as Open Source Software under GNU GPL License by Verus Solutions.
528. Sanjay: The NISSAT sponsored a project to DESIDOC for developing programmes on UNESCO’s
CDS/ISIS for enabling a library to do acquisition, circulation, etc. DESIDOC has successfully modified
The programme and a new package based on CDS/ISIS was released in 1992 by the name of SANJAY
released in 1995.
529. SOUL 2.0: Software for University Libraries (SOUL) is the state-of-the-art library automation software
designed and developed by the INFLIBNET Centre, Ahmedabad
530. WEBLIS is a free-of-charge Web based Library Integrated System based on CDS/ISIS. The system has
been developed by the Institute for Computer and Information Engineering (ICIE), Poland.
531. Berne Convention: The international convention for protection of literary and artistic works was first
signed at Berne on 9th September, 1886.
532. VIRTUAILS : VTLS, Virginia
SLIM : Algorithms, Pune
e-Library : Phoebus Info. Tech
ALICE : Soft Link
533. Important act establishment
· Communication: Communication Bill, 2000;
· Copyright: The Copyright Act of 1957 (last amended in 1994);
· Designs: The Design Act 1911;
· Information Technology: Information Technology Act 2000;
· Patent: The Patent Act 1970 (changes bought in 1994);
· Trade Mark: The Trade Merchandise Mark Act 1958, etc.
534. Association for Information Management (ASLIB): An exploratory conference held at Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire in 1924 resulted in a decision to form the Association of special Libraries and Information Bureau (ASLIB). In 1983, name of the Association was changed to “Association for information Management”, but as the association is well know as ASLIB, its acronym retained. (journal of Documentation (quarterly)).
535. The short term "blog," was coined by Peter Merholz in 1999. Evan Williams at Pyra Labs used
"blog" as both a noun and verb ("to blog," meaning "to edit one's weblog or to post to one's weblog")
536. "weblog" was coined by Jorn Barger on 17th December 1997.
537. Bengal Library Association: Bengal Library Association (Bangiya Granthagar Parishad), formerly known as All Bengal Library Association, was established in 1925 under the presidentship of Poet Rabindranath Tagore. Kolkata. The first periodical on Library Science in Bengal was published by the Bengal Library Association in 1937 as “Bengal Library Association Bulletin – Bangiya Granthagar Parishad Patrika”.
538. A Bulletin Board System, or BBS, is a computer system running software that allows users to connect
and log in to the system using a terminal program (The largest such network was FidoNet).
539. Bulletin Board System. From a technological standpoint, forums or boards are web applications
managing user-generated content.Early Internet forums could be described as a web version of an
electronic mailing list or newsgroup (such as exist on Usenet)
540. LIS-Forum is an e-mail based discussion forum for Library and Information professionals in India. It is
operated and maintained by NCSI, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. It was established in the year
1995 with support from NISSAT, DSIR, Govt. of India.
541. L. R. McColvin: Theory of Book Selection (1925): demanded by the users for their information needs.
542. Ranganathan: Library book selection Five Laws in 1931
543. Dewey’s Principle: According to Dewey, large number least cost.
544. CIP (Cataloging in Publication) system begin in 1971 by LC (Library of Congress)
545. British Library’s Automated Information Service (BLAISE): 1977 April, Useful in the field of
546. UGC Library Committee way back in 1957 suggested for a provision of Rs. 16 per student and Rs. 200
per teacher. Kothari Commission in 1966 suggested for allocation of Rs. 25 per student and Rs. 300 per
teacher. Report emphasizes on College and University Library.
547. Zero Based Budget: It was developed by Peter Phyor in 1970 to achieve greater effective Planning and
fiscal control. The term “zero based” is derived from the first step in the process- the development of a
hierarchy of functions based on the assumption that the unit or agency is starting operation for the first
time. The budget is concerned with future use. It means Budgeting afresh. This budget is without
giving consideration. To the previous year’s budget.
548. 1. Agricola US. : DEPT OF AGRICULTURE
2. ABI/ Inform : Data Courier Inc., USA
4. LISA : Bowker and Saur, London
5. Scisearch : British Library, U.K.
6. Books in Print : R.R. BOWKER U.S.A
There are 10 sectoral system has been established :
- NICLAI (Leather Technology) CLRI Chennai
- NICFOS (Food Technology) CFTRI Mysore
- NICMAP (Machine Tools and Products) Centre machine and tools, Banglore
- NICDAP (Drug and Pharmaceuticals) CDRI, Lucknow
- NICTAS (Textiles and Allied Subjects) ATIRA Ahmedabad
- NICHEM (Chemicals NCL,) Pune
- NICAS ( Glass and Ceramics) CGRI, Kolkatta
- NICRYS ( Crystallaography, dept crystallographys and Biophysics, University of Madras)
- NCB (Bibliometrics) NISCAR, Delhi
- CDROM National Aero Space (NICDROM) Banglore
550. CSIR : 1942 ICSSR : 1969
ICMR : 1969 ICHR : 1971
ICPR : 1981
551. ILO : 1919
FAO : 1945
UNESCO : 1946
WIPO : 1970
552. DELENT 1988
BONET 1992
553. COURTNIC 1991
554. ICAR 1936
UGC 1953
DRDO 1958
DST 1971
554. MEDLARS 1964 -UA
INIS 1970
AGRIS 1974
556. INSPEC - IEE UK (Index & Abstract Journals)
557. Ranganathan's canons of classification as grouped into three planes of work are IDEA,VERBAL AND
558. 1) Wheat Loan Educational Exchange programme (1951-61)
2) Book Banks (1963-64)
3) Regional Library Centre (1974)
559. The National Library of Indian a critical Study Written by D.S.Kesavan
560. SAARC Documentation Centre, established in the year 1994 in India, is one of the Regional Centre of
SAARC. The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) was established
8th December 1985 by the Heads of State or Government of Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives,
Nepal, KriPakistan and SriLanka
561. International Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD): In 1961, at the International Conference on Cataloguing Principles held in Paris, stress was laid on the need of standardization in bibliographic description. IFLA was formulated and brought out.
562. Turnitin Anti Plagiarism Web Application tool, viper are few softwares for plagirarism, few are available online for free access, Turnitin is the best software for check plagiarism, any documents. if your plagiarism % is 23 it means ur ducuments is fully fresh. Bharathidasan university to use anti-plagiarism software before awarding Ph.D, the UGC has recommended ‘URKUND’ software. (Percentage for copying the information from cited documents)
563. Data Mining: Data mining means the extraction of hidden predictive information from large databases.
It is the process of analyzing data from different perspectives and summarizing it into useful
information that can be used to increase revenue, cuts costs, or both. It is "the nontrivial extraction of
implicit, previously unknown, and potentially useful information from data". Technically, data mining
is the process of finding correlations or patterns among dozens of fields in large relational databases.
Data Mining is also called as data or knowledge discovery. Data mining software is one of a number of
analytical tools for analyzing data.
564. DESIDOC started functioning in 1958 as Scientific Information Bureau (SIB). Defence Science
Laboratory (DSL) which is presently called as Laser Science & Technology Centre (LASTEC).
The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) library which had its beginning in 1948
became a division of Scientific Information Bureau (SIB) in 1959. The Centre was functioning in the
main building of Metcalfe House, a landmark in Delhi and a national monument. In August 1988 it
moved to its newly built five-storied building in the same Metcalfe House complex. Since it became a
self-accounting unit. DESIDOC has been functioning as a central information resource for DRDO.
It provides science & technology information.
565. Developing Library Network (formerly Delhi Library Network). It is the first operational library network in India. It was started as a project of the India International Centre in January 1988 with the initial, financial and technical assistance by National Information System for Science and Technology (NISSAT), Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Govt. of India. It was registered as a society in June 1992 under the Societies Registration Act of 1860 and is currently being promoted by the National Informatics Centre (NIC), Planning Commission, Govt. of India and India International Centre, New Delhi.
566. The term “Web 2.0” was officially coined in 2004 by Dale Dougherty, a vice-president of O’Reilly
Media Inc. Examples of Web 2.0 include social networking sites, blogs, wikis, video sharing sites,
hosted services, web applications, mashups and folksonomies.
567. CCF An international symposium in Taormina, Sicily conducted by UNESCO was held in April, 1978.
First edition of CCF was published in 1984 under the editorship of Peter Simmons and Alan. Hopkins
and its second edition was published in 1988 in two volumes called CCF/B and CCF/F.
DATE Field I) Indicator, II) Sub Fields: III) Field Separator: iv) Record Separator
568. Social Network: A social network or online community is a web based service focuses on building
online communities of people who share interests and / or activities by a variety of ways. Example.
YouTube (video) Flickr (photographs) and Odeo (podcasts), Myspace, and Facebook.
569. IFLA conference was held in Grenoble in 1973. After the conference two documents- ISBD
(M) and ISBD (S) were published. In 1975, the General International Standard
Bibliographic Description [ISBD (G)] was developed .
The ISBD prescribes eight (8) areas of description.
Standardized punctuation (colons, semicolons, slashes, dashes, commas, and periods) is used
to identify and separate the elements and areas. The order of elements and standardized
punctuation make it easier to interpret bibliographic records when one does not understand the
language of the description.
1: title and statement of responsibility area, with the contents of
1.1 Title proper
1.2 General material designation. GMDs are generic terms describing the medium of the item.
1.3 Parallel title
1.4 Other title information
1.5 Statements of responsibility (authorship, editorship, etc.)
2: Edition area
3: material or type of resource specific area (for example, the scale of a map or the numbering
of a periodical)
4: Publication, production, distribution, etc., area
5: Physical description area (for example: number of pages in a book or number of CDs issued
as a unit)
6: Series area
7: Notes area
8: Resource identifier (e.g. ISBN, ISSN) and terms of availability area
570. 1) Library Committee 1957 Dr. S.R. Ranganathan
2) Review Committee on Library Science 1961 By Dr. S.R. Ranganathan
3) Education Commission (1964-1966 D.S. Kothari)
4) Mehotra Committee (1983) R.C Mehrotra
5) Committee on National Network system of University Libraries (1988) Prof. Yash Pal
6) Curriculum development committee in LIS (1990) chairmanship Prof. P.N.Kaula.
The report of this committee was published in 1993
7) Prof. C.R. Karisiddappa Committee on Curriculum Development in Library and
Information Science (2001). The Committee discussed all the aspects of the Curriculum
and fully proposed modular syllabi for India Universities.
571. Universal Machine Readable Catalogue (UNIMARC) appeared for monograph and serial in
1977 to facilitate the international Exchange of bibliographic data in machine readable
Form. UNIMARC follows the ISO communication format ISO-2709 (1981). By IFLA
572. E-journal consortia was started in October 1, 2003 UGC (ccess to various e-journals formally began on
January 1, 2004.) co-operation between UGC, ERNET, the inter university centre, INFLIBNET.
Research Methodology
573. Descriptive Research
- Survey and fact finding enquiries
- Description of the state of affairs
- Ex pot facto research
- No control over the variables
- Report only what has happened & what is happening. (e.g., frequency of shopping, preference of people)
574. Analytical Research
- With facts and information already available
- Analyse and make the critical evaluation method.
575. Applied (Action Research)
- Finding solution for an immediate problem
- Concerned with actual life and social problems
- Removes prejudices, preconception and false ideas. (company/Industry/social)
576. Fundamental (Basic Research)
- Concerned with generalisation and formation of theory (Human Behaviors)
- To discover new but broad principles
577. Quantitative
- Based on measurement of quantity
- Determine the relationship between the variables
578. Qualitative
- Concerned with qualitative phenomena
- Aims to discover the motives of human behaviour
579. Conceptual
- Related to some abstract idea or theory
- To develop new concepts or to reinterpret existing ones
580. Empirical (experimental research)
- Relies on experience or observation alone
- Is a data-based research
- To test hypothesis of casual relationship between the variables
581. Historical Research
- Aims to apply reflective thinking to unsolved problems
- Source like, documents, remains etc.
- Based on past events/ideas facts and attitudes
- Social insight and historical orientation is necessary
- Conclusion and decision oriented
582. State of the Art study is the highest level of development, as of a device, technique,
or scientific field, achieved at a particular time.
583. PILOT STUDY Consumer-research study done on a trial basis to determine the potential of a larger
and more in-depth survey of the same subject matter; also called pilot survey. A pilot study is used in
segmentation product usage, and attitudinal, motivational.
584. Research Design Blue Print, Concept Structure, Measurement and analysis of data.
To help smooth sailing, Advance planning, Avoid flaws and inadequacies
585. Hypothesis an assumption or supposition to be proved, A predictive statement, To be tested
586. Two types of HYPOTHEISIS NULL Hypothesis and Alternative Hypothesis
587. Z- Test : is based on the normal probability distribution and is used to judging the significance of
several statistical measures, particular mean comparing from large population.
588. T- test or binomial distribution, is applicable on the presumption that such a distribution tends to
approximate normal distribution n become larger. ( Judging significant different). It is applied when the
sample series is Small number.
589 Measures of Central tendency – Mean, Median and Mode
Measure of dispersion – range, mean deviation and standard deviation
Measure of asymmetry – skewness and kurtosis
Measures of relationship – correlation and regression
590. Chi –Square Test
1. X2 pronounced as Ki – square
2. As a non parametric test (can used two classifications and independents)
3. Test applicable in large number of population
4. It’s used to compare observed data with data we would expect to obtain according to
a specific hypothesis
I) Test the goodness of fit
II) Test the significance of association between two attributes
III) Test the homogeneity (or) the significance of population variance.
591. Observation method data collecting, It is for behavioural sciences, Bias is eliminated, Data relates to
what is happening, Independent of respondents’ willingness
592. Schedule, method is collection of data through questionnaire but filled by enumerators
593. Sampling is the – smaller representation,
594. Simple Random Sampling, Restricted random Sampling
1) Stratified 2) Systematic 3) Cluster & Area 4) Sequential
595. Non-Probability or Non-Random (Accidental, Quota, Purposive, Convenience)
596. Layout of Research Report
A. Preliminary pages – preface, foreword, table of contents, list of tables and illustrations
B. Main Text - Introduction -subject matter, statement of problem, objectives, ROL,
significance, scope, conceptual framework, methodology adopted, limitation and
- Analysis and Interpretation of data
- Statement of findings and recommendation
- Conclusion
- Suggestions for future research
C. End Matter – Bibliography, appendix, Index
597. Good Research Report
· Title of the study
· Statement of the problem
· Review of Literature
· Area and scope of study
· Objectives of the study
· Formulation of Hypothesis
· Definition of concepts
· Methodology
· Sampling Design
· Constructing of questionnaire
· Collecting of data
· Analysis of data
· Interpretation of results
· Reporting and finding conclusion (Results)
598. Bureaucratic stated by – Max Weber written the book of Theory of Social and Economic Organisation
599. Charles Babbage – inventor of calculating machine
600. Frederic Winslow Taylor- author of the Principal of scientific management theory scientific principles
Differential Rate System
601.14 principle by Henry Foyal
602. Father of Human relation – Elton Mayo
603. Industrial psychology - hugo munsterberg : concepts borrowed from experimental Psychology
604. Hierarchy of needs – psychological needs theory –Abraham
605. Douglas McGregor – x y theory: learned helplessness theory
606. Kris Argyris : Theory of Maturity & Immaturity: managers should develop an individual from passivity to increased self determination
607. Autocharing first introduced in 1934in St Louris country public library
608. Management by objectives: Peter Drucker – 1951 written the famous book “The practice of
609. Photocharging method has become popular in British Public libraries first introduced by
Ralph R. Shaw who was the Librarian of the Agriculture Library in Washington (USA)
610. Henri Herzberg: two factor theory: motivator’s factor & satisfiers/hygiene/maintenance Factor
611. Two Kinds of information Documentary sources
• Primary, Secondary and Tertiary sources grouped by Grogan
• Ranganathan divided into Conventional, non-conventional, neo- conventional and
micro-documents Non-Documentary sources
• Formal and Informal sources
612. LibLime was founded in 2005 by Joshua Ferraro, a systems administrator who helped spearhead the
migration project of moving the Athens County Public Libraries in Ohio to OpenSource Koha. In March
2007, LibLime acquired the Koha division of Katipo Communications Ltd - the original developers of
Koha. Newzeland.
613. Web Dewey is the name of Online version of DDC
614. Wheat Load educational exchange programmed initiated in 1951
615. A front specie is a Title page of Book
616. Ranking, Classification, Factor Comparison, Point system method of used for Job Evalution
617. PLANNER (Promotion of Library Automation and Networking in North Eastern Region)
Programme conducted by INFLIBNET
618. The UGC of Great Britain was established in 1919
620. Symposium is a conference or meeting to discuss a particular subject. A collection of essays or papers
on a particular subject by a number of contributors.
621. Workshop is a series of educational and work sessions. Small groups of people meet together over a
short period of time to concentrate on a defined area of concern
622. A meeting for consultation or discussion: a conference between a student and her adviser, the act of
conferring or consulting together; consultation, esp. on an important or serious matter.
623. A number of devices that are related to recall and precision have been studied by Lancaster
624. Theory Z is a name applied to three distinctly different psychological theories. One was developed by
Abraham H. Maslow in his paper Theory Z and the other is Dr. William Ouchi's so-called "Japanese
Management" style popularized.
625. An entry that is made for the subject of a chapter in a book is referred to as Book Index Entry.
626. Cross References is a space saver and serves to prevent duplication. However, it is not
worthwhile to use a cross reference if the length of the cross reference takes more space than
listing (repeating) the page numbers. Here duplication is permissible. In making a cross
reference, be sure the exact words of the referenced heading are used. Also make sure there is
such an entry. Follow the capitalization style you have used for index entries (“See also
education” if common noun entries are lowercase, “See also Education” if all entries are
627. User studies in Social sciences was carried out by Kuhn
628. In Sears, List of Subject Headings preferred headings are indicated by Marking them as
preferred headings
629. The component of an ISO-2709 meant primarily machine processing of the record Is the Label
630. Preparation, service and assimilation are the main stages involved in User Education
631. According to CCC, the heading for work with three authors is The first author
632. Desirableness of personal contact between reader and library material was stressed by
Samuel H. Green
633. The Optical Co-Incidence method used in Uniterm Indiexing
634. Carol Kuhlthau – ISB is of 8 Key acticivites
635. David Ellis – 8 stage
636. MJ Belkin ISB is 4 Mimension characteristic
637. Marchionnini - ISB is a6 stage process
638. Mobile Digital Library eg. C-DAC
639. Traditional Knowledge Eg TKDL
640. Indian Cultural Heritage eg. IGNCA
641. Race & Brittle Documents e.g. National Library
642. Paul Otlet used the term ‘Documentation’ for the first time in a lecture at the International Congress at
Brussels in 1920. Paul otlet and Henri La Fontaine founded International Institute of Bibliography
643. Principles of ‘Later-in-Time is one of the Five Laws of Library Science
644. A big difference between the mean and median is an indication that there is a wide variation in
the data
645. The table standard subdivision helps a classification scheme to ensure consistency
646. Canon of recall value is the another name of canon of sought headings
647. Standard web browser (e.g., Netscape, Mozilla, Opera, MS Internet Explorer, Chroma and Safari)
648. A skillful method of providing means mechanism and structural elements to streamline organizational
work is known as Strategic
649. First generation computer is UNIVAC build by Manuchly & Eekert
650. What is the thickness of Catalogue cards used in the libraries 0.025cms
651. Separation in planning and doing is recommended in Scientific School of Thought
652. Universal copyright convention of 1952 as sponsored by UNESCO
653. Two kinds of auxiliaries in UDC are Common and Special
654. Gate Register is meant for recording the attendance of visitors to the library daily
655. ASCII is the name of a computer coding Standard
656. In DDC 800 denotes the subject of Literature
657. Fodor’s Guide is an example of Travel Guide
658. LLA stands for Local library Authority
659. ISO/TR 11219:2012 is applicable to all types of libraries in all countries, but especially to
academic and public libraries. The standard ISO 11620 “Performance indicators for libraries”
was first published in 1998 by IFLA, ISO 2789 (International Library Statistics) ISO 11620
(Performance indicators for libraries)
660. In 1856 Andrea Creastadoro introduced usage of Keyword in Title
661. Mixture of Sodium Fluoride and flour to be used remove silver from book firhs from books
662. SENDOC stands for Small scale enterprise documentation centre was set up in 1970 by Govt. of India
663. Routing Slip is used to Circulate Periodicals
664. A “Gazette” gives information about Official announcement and Notifications
665. Chain Index helps to prepard Class Index Entry
666. Ms-DOS Contains internal and external commands
667. The Indian Library Review is being launched by the National Library, Kolkata, to serve the interests of
Indian libraries and librarians. In August 2011.
668. W.C.B . Sayers (1881-1960) His theory of book classification first appeared in 1915 under the title
"Canons of Classification". He expanded the outline of the theory contained in this book in three other
books, viz., Grammar of Classification (Ed.2, 1915; Ed.4, 1935), Introduction to Library
Classification (Ed.1,1918; Ed.9,1958) and Manual of Library Classification (ed.lst, 1926; Ed.3,
1955; Ed.4, 1967 and Ed.5, 1975, revised by Arthur Maltby). It has now Een revised by Rita Marcella
and Robert Newton in 1994.
669. An increase in the level of ‘specificity’ of indexing languages results in increase in Precision.
Which is also called "Relevance".
670. Vidura, the oldest (in publication since 1963), is a substantive quarterly journal that focuses primarily
On pertinent issues relating to the media
672. Research Institute for Newspaper Development (RIND) was established under the Registration of
Societies Act in 1979 with the joint efforts of seven newspaper publishers and editors – the
Anandabazar Patrika, The Hindu, Malayala Manorama, Deccan Herald, Nai Dunia, Andhra Patrika and
Gujarat Samachar.
673. In AACR-2 , 'GMD' is stands for General Material Designation. Terms of availability is used.
674. Controlled vocabulary tool are Classification Scheme, Thesaurus, Subject Headings
675. Bibliography is not a controlled vocabulary tool
676. Main Entry in Classified Catalogue Code contains 6 Section
677. The main entry of Classified Catalogue Code is being prepared to meet the Subject pproach
678. BNB cards distributed by Library of Congress belong to Centralised Catalogue
679. Critical incident techniques is one type of Observation method
680. Online Search Information Registration and Inquiry system was the software of (OSIRIS) by IFLA
681. An information system may be mission oriented system and discipline oriented system.
682. If a questionnaire is given to every tenth number of a sample populations, it is known as
Stratified sampling
683. Which one of the following indexes in not found in thesauri Author Index
684. The word “Library “originates from the Latin word Libber
685. SMCR communication model developed by Shannon and Weaver further Berol
686. Work of Unknown authorship is called as Anonymous work
687. The Standardization agency for India is BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards) Institution that
prescribes standers in India
688. Library open access systems is Open to all user the stack room
689. Library Building Planning and Principles were proposed by Henry Folkner
690. In CCC, Pseudonym-Real Name Entry is CRIE
691. Job ranking is a method of Job Evalution
692. The Electronic version of DDC21 was named Dewey for Windows
693. Organisation of Knoweldge in libraries and subject approach to book was written by H.E. Bliss
694. Periodical ordering work includes Renewal of Ordering, Backset and New Ordering.
695. The Universal availability of publication (UPA) is a programme of IFLA
696. In the concept “Disease” is placed under Engery
697. S.R. Ranganathan gave the term ‘Modes of Formation of Subjects and identified 5 Five modes of
formation of subject.
698. One of the system the Optical method is used Peek-a-boo System
699. In AACR-2, the Description is divided into 8 Areas
700. The idea of Thesaurofacet was developed by Jean Aitchison
701. In Colon Classification sign of – and = used to attach a spectator
702. In UDC common Auxiliary of Point of view as represented by 00
703. INDEST is a Consortia located at New Delhi Indian National Digital Library in Engineering
Sciences and Technology (INDEST) Consortium” was set up in 2003 by the Ministry of
Human Resource Development (MHRD) on the recommendation of an Expert Group
appointed by the Ministry. The Consortium was re-named as INDEST-AICTE Consortium in
December 2005. The Ministry provides funds required for subscription to electronic resources
for 62 centrally-funded Government institutions including IITs, IISc Bangalore, NITs, ISM,
IIITs, IIMs, NITTTR’s and few other institutions that are considered as core members of the
Consortium, chairman Prof N.Balakrishnan
704. The standard size of catalogue card is 12.5 x 7.5cms (or) 125 mm X 75 mm. (roughly 5" x 3")
is used in this form thickness 0.025
705. Chain procedure the device to derive subject headings from class number
706. The latest edition of “ Classified Catalogue Code is 5
707. Main Entry of Classified catalogue code is being prepared to meet the Subject Approach
708. Hardwar University Library, USA is the largest University library in the Word
709. Sir Sayaji Rao Gaekward III established Public Library.
710. A remarkable feature of Mysore Public library Act, 1965 is the provision of library service to BLIND
711. The model public library in India is Delhi Public Library. The Public library “ for the People, of the
people and by the people”.
712. Guide to Literature come under the categories of Teritary Sources
713. Bibliographies are used to find information on a given subject documents
714. Shanon & Weaver model of communication of knowledge suggests that communication as an open
System may be regarded as subjective, selective, variable and yet unpredicitable
715. The Micro Photograph by using Daugerre plate and lens was introduced by John Benjamin Dancer
716. The “user profile” is a Statement on user information needs
717. The main objective of NISSAT is promotion of RSD in Information Science and Technology
718. NICFOC is related to Food Science
719. An Organizational Structure is determined by “Span of Control”
720. Million Bank Project was initiated by Carnegie Mellon University.
721. Unity of commands means all power to One person
722. Natural Science, Physical Science, and Social science are example of Loose Assemblage
723. Physical entity of a computer is know as Hardware
724. Cache memory is random access memory (RAM) that a computer microprocessor can access more
quickly than it can access regular
725. PC/XT is Personal Computer / Extended Technology
726. PC/ Personal computer are Micro computer IBM PS/2
727. Chips is computer is made from SILICON
728. A ‘Byte’ consists of Digit
729. Software is a set of written programme
730. Expansion of WORM Write Once Ready Many
731. Peer Network Service is used to provide service and to request Service
732. Telex is a Communication of Text
733. Main source revenue for the Public libraries is Library Cess
734. Precoordinating indexing system used for where terms are coordinated prior to search
735. Ancient writing and Libraries
1) Palm leaf – Indian Writing Materials
2) Clay Tablet – Sumerians
3) Papyrus - Egyptian writing materials
4) Prisse Papryus – Oldes Book of Egyptians, saying of ptahhotep
736. The model Pubic libraries bill was drafted under the chairmanship of Dr.S.R.R
737. Fifth law (5) of library science emphasizes on weeding of books from the library.
738. In a communication model Noise refers to irrelevant information being retrieved
739. Citation, Scientific Articles, Journals are parameter in measuring the information.
740. Shannon and weaver defined “Information as essentially a measure of the absence of Uncertainty”.
741. Who’s who is a Biographical Source of Information
742. Dictionaries are prepared by Lexicographers
Information Technology
743. There are three ways for transmitting data from one point to another
(1) Simplex, 2) Half-duplex, 3) full duplex)
744. I. Generation 1940-1956 : component used as Vacuum Tube and the characters are Bulky,
Consumed high power, slow, less reliable, costly, Large cooling system.
II. Generation 1956-1963 : component used as Transistor and the characters are Small
size, consumed less power, more reliable and fast.
III. Generation 1964-1971 : components are used as IC's and the characters are Reduction
in size, improved performance, better human machine interaction, Multiprogramming
IV. Generation 1971-Present : components are used Micro processor (SSI, MSI, LSI, VLSI)
V. Generation : Present and Beyond :Artificial Intelligence
745. Types and Categorization of Computers 2 types Analog and Digital
746. Based on Application 4 type Super Computers, Mainframe Computers, Mini &Micro Computers.
747. Size of the paper - A4(210mmx297mm) or A5(148mmx210mm)
748. Measurement of information:
1. 1 Bit = Binary Digit
2. 8 Bits = 1 Byte
3. 1024 Bytes
= 1 Kilobyte
4. 1024
Kilobytes = 1 Megabyte
5. 1024
Megabytes = 1 Gigabyte
6. 1024
Gigabytes = 1 Terabyte
7. 1024
Terabytes = 1 Petabyte
8. 1024
Petabytes = 1 Exabyte
9. 1024
Exabytes = 1 Zettabyte
10. 1024
Zettabytes = 1 Yottabyte
11. 1024
Yottabytes = 1 Brontobyte
12. 1024
Brontobytes = 1 Geopbyte
13. 1024 Geopbyte
749. Types of Monitors
· Cathode Ray Tube (CRT),
· Colour Graphics Adaptor (CGA),
· Enhanced Graphics Adaptor (EGA),
· Video Graphics Array (VGA)
· Thin Film Transistor – Liquid Crystal Display (TFT-LCD)
· Light-emitting diode (LED)
750. Dynamic RAM (DRAM): Dynamic Random Access Memory is a main primary storage
Static RAM (SRAM): Small storage device with high-speed versions with mini buffer
EDO RAM : Extended Data Out RAM: much quicker than above two
SDRAM (Static Dynamic Random Access Memory) : used latest memory chip
PROM: A Programmable Read Only Memory
EPROM: The Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
EEPROM: Electrically Erasable Programmable ROM
751. High level - Programming languages – Basic, Cobol, Fortran, Pascal, C,C++, Java (object
oriented Program)
Low level (machine) – Interpreter (line to line )and compilers (entire program)
753. The basic topologies are
1) Star Network, 2) Ring Network 3)Bus Network 4) Hybrid Network
5) Point to Point and Multi drop Network
6) Hierarchical topology Network (or) Tree Network
754. Three switching systems are:
Circuit switching (e.g. Telephone)
Message Switching (e.g email)
Packet Switching (In packet switching a message is broken into small parts called packets.
755. Layers of the OSI Model In 1977, International Organization for Standardization
ISO Model 7 layers
Physical layer transmits bit stream to physical medium
Data line layer provides data exchange between devices on the same medium.
Network layer takes care of switches and routes information units.
Transport layer provides reliable end-to-end data transmission.
Session layer maintains dialogue between communication devices
Presentation layer formats data (ex: ASCII)
Application layer provides general services related to applications.
756. TCP/IP : Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) is an industry
standard suit of protocols providing communication in a hydrogenous
HTTP : Hypertext Transfer Protocol provides a way for a web browser to access a
web server and request a hypermedia documents created using HTML.
FTP : FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is an Internet file transfer service that operates on
the Internet and over TCP/IP). FTP is basically a client / server protocol in
which a system running the FTP server accepts commands from a system
running an FTP client.
757. Router is a device that forwards data packets between telecommunications networks,
Creating an overlay inter network.
758. Hypertext – A hypertext document is an electronic document that contains links to
Related pieces of information. hypertext is text with pointers to other text.
759. Multimedia (colour, graphics and picture, and movies )
760. E-Mail= Electronic Mail early E-Mail originated in the early 1970s by
ARPANET and now it is primary method of communication. Email is the process of
sending and receiving messages electronically over the internet.
761. The concept of TQM has developed by U. S. Department of Defense in
762. Canons of library classification” by W C B Sayers
6 Groups of Canons are :
· Canons of Characteristic
· Canons of array of classes
· Canons of Chain of classes
· Canons of Filiatory sequence
· Canons of Terminology
· Canons of Notation
763. Canons of characteristics
Classification should be according to characteristics of things, concepts and Substance.
· Differentiation
· Concomitance
· Relevance
· Ascertain ability
· Permanence
· Relevant sequence
· Consistency
764. Differentiation
Efficiency should be available for the classification of something.
For ex: Students
Science, Arts, Commerce, Physis, chemistry
765. Concomitance
Two characteristics should not use for a facet or subject.
For ex: DOB and Age
Ist Edition and Publication date
766. Relevance
Every characteristic should be related to objective of classification.
For ex: English language, French language
Every characteristics should fully ascertain. Exp. Literature
767. Permanence
Every characteristics should be permanence whenever do not change in objective of
For ex. Changing the name of Periodical time to time
768. Relevant sequence
Characteristics of classification scheme should be use to objective of classification in
Relevant sequence. For ex: In Literature
769. Consistency
In the scheme should be use of some permanent characteristics according to their
sequence. For ex: O[P],[P2][P3],[P4]
770.Canons of Array of Classes
The array of class called to arranged sequence of class according to their importance.
· Exhaustiveness
· Exclusiveness
· Helpful sequence
· Consistent sequence
771. Exhaustiveness
In this canons the arrangement of other things.
For ex: Non Christian religious 290
other languages 490
Literature of other Language 890
772. Exclusiveness
Exclusiveness should be available in the classes or subclasses.
For ex: world (Asia, Africa, America, Australia)
773. Helpful sequence
In any array of classes arrangement of class or sub-class should be in helpful sequence.
Helpful order within the groups of subjects
774. Consistent sequence
1. Canons of Chain of Classes
2. Decreasing extension
3. Modulation
775. Decreasing extension
For ex:
· Asia 4
· India 44
· M.P. 4455
776. Modulation
· World World
· Europe
· Great Britain Great Britain
· England
· London London
777. Subordinate class
· Asia 5
· India 54
· Western India 547
· Gujarat 5475
778. Co-ordinate class
Asia, Africa, Europe
779. Currency
Use of recent or current words in classification scheme.
780. Reticence
Use of words should not criticized in classification scheme.
For ex: In the 14th ed. of DDC use the “minor” word for some author
781. Enumerative
Description of every enumerative word in classification scheme
For ex: Philosophy and psychology in DDC or CC
782. Context
Context should be given for word that use in different main class.
For ex: Insurance
Tax, Textile
783. Canons of Notation
It should be decided that which type notation use for classification.
· Relativity
· Expressiveness
· Mixed notation
784. Relativity
Representation of every symbol.
For ex: The particular symbols for five fundamental categories in Colon Classification
such as [P] , [E] : [M] ; [S] . [T] ‘
785. Expressiveness
Expressiveness should be for every facet.
For ex: Treatment of lungs in India
786. In 1952, Ranganathan published the 4th edition. This included a major new
development, the introduction of the PMEST (Personality, Matter, Energy, Space, Time)
categories. The basic idea of five categories was present in the earlier edition.
787. Decreasing sequence of concreteness
Classification of books in Indian national library during 1991.
· 1991 [T]
· India [S]
· Classification [E]
· Books [M]
· National library [P]
E.g Y: 434 : 64 . 363 ‘N4 [Y=Sociology, 434 poverty, Eradication 64, 563 Scotland, 64.
P E 2 E S T
788. Mode & Subject formation. Dr. S. R. Ranganthan 1950. conference on ‘Bibliographic
organization, university of Chicago,
789. Dissection - It is cutting a universe of Entities into parts of coordinate status even as we cut
a lice of bread into strips. The part they from in array. Each part shall be called Lemia. E.g
Universe of Life science
Botany |
Zoology |
Agriculture |
790. Denudation : it is progressive decrease of extension and increase of the Intention or depth of
a basic subject or isolate idea. ( eg) Philosophy, Logic, and Symbolic logic
791. Lamination: is constructed by overlaying facet on facet, even as we make sandwhich by Laying
vegetable layer over layer read. E.g. Agriculture in India
792. Fusion : Two more than two subject fused together (Biology + Physics = Biophysics)
793. Distillation : in the mode the pure subject distilled or emerged out of combination of different
Compound subject : e.g Management, Statistical calculus, Microbiology, Anesthesiology, International
relations, Ergonomics, Forestry.
794. Agglomeration in this mode several main subjects that are mutually and exclusively related are
agglomerated or grouped together to form into a single group (e.g. Social Science, Natural Science)
795. Cluster : Indology, sindology, etc.
796. DECACHOTOMY ( It is division into ten DDC, UDC adopted the 10)
797. DICHOTOMY–(it is division in to two, it implies binary classification for e.g
(Vertebrate and invertebrate)
798. DDC was First published in 1876, 42 pages introduced 12, schedule 12 page and 18pages
Alphabetical index. 19th ed (1979) Benjamin A Custer
· 20th ed (1986) Dr J P Camaromi
· 21st( 1996) Miss J S Mitchell
· 22st( 2007) Miss J S Mitchell
DDC uses following 7 tables (1- Standard sub –division 2 -Area, 3-subdivision of
Individual Literature, 4-Sub divisions of individual Language, 5- Racial, Ethnic and national
groups, 6- language, 7- persons. 21st edition is first edition prepared with Online access to
the OCLC. 23edition published med 2011 it contain 4 volumes.
The ten main classes are:
000 Computer science, information & general works
100 Philosophy & psychology
200 Religions
300 Social sciences
400 Language
500 Science
600 Technology
700 Arts & recreation
800 Literature
900 History & geography
Volume 1
(A) New Features in Edition 23: A brief explanation of the special features and
changes in DDC 23
(B) Introduction: A description of the DDC and how to use it
(C) Glossary: Short definitions of terms used in the DDC
(D) Index to the Introduction and Glossary
(E) Manual: A guide to the use of the DDC that is made up primarily of extended
discussions of problem areas in the application of the DDC. Information in the
Manual is arranged by the numbers in the tables and schedules
(F) Tables: Six numbered tables of notation that can be added to class numbers to
provide greater specificity
(G) Lists that compare Editions 22 and 23: Relocations and Discontinuations;
Comparative and Equivalence Tables; Reused Numbers
Volume 2
(H) DDC Summaries: The top three levels of the DDC
(I) Schedules: The organization of knowledge from 000–599
Volume 3
(J) Schedules: The organization of knowledge from 600–999
Volume 4
(K) Relative Index: An alphabetical list of subjects with the disciplines in which they are treated sub
arranged alphabetically under each entry
The Relative Index
The Relative Index is so named because it relates subjects to disciplines. In the schedules, subjects are
distributed among disciplines; in the Relative Index, subjects are arranged alphabetically, with terms
identifying the disciplines in which they are treated sub arranged alphabetically under them.
800. UDC- almost faceted schemes of classification developed by Henry La Fontaine & Paul Otlet
Project called “Universal Bibliographic Resportary” 1st Edition published 1905 in French,
First English Published in 1936
In UDC 4 (Empty) not used
Common auxiliaries TABLE in UDC
· Common Auxiliaries of Language =
· Common Auxiliaries of Forms (01/09)
· Common Auxiliaries of Place (1/9)
· Common Auxiliaries of Race & Nationality (=)
· Common Auxiliaries of Time = (“ ” )
· Common Auxiliaries of Point of View (.00)
Signs used in UDC Maths & Physics 510+530 (coordination and Extension sings)
Animal Husbandry 636/639
Statistics for Economics 310:330 (Relation sign)
:: Relation sign to fix the components number is compound subject
( ) Relationship involving sub-ordinate subject
Special Auxiliaries : (‘ ) chemistry and related subjects
801. Colon Classification (CC) First edition published in 1933, contains 27 basic classes
represented y 26 roman capital letters and One Greek Letter. 1-9 common isolates,
Geographical and chronological division.
· 3rd edition published 1950
· 4th edition published 1952
· 5th edition published 1957
· 6th edition published 1963 single value.
CC consist of 3 parts ( Part 1. Rules, 2. provides schedules, 3. Classes)
Main class in CC 1st edition and 7th edition published by Ess Ess Publication
z Generalia
1 Universe of Knowledge
2 Library Science
3 Book science
4 Journalism
B Mathematics
C Physics
D Engineering
E Chemistry
F Technology
G Biology
H Geology
I Botany
J Agriculture
K Zoology Botany)
KZ Animal Husbandry
L Medicine
M Useful arts
N Fine arts
O Literature
P Linguistics
Q Religion
R Philosophy
S Psychology
T Education
U Geography
V History
W Political science
X Economics
Y Sociology
Z Law
802. Dr.S.R.Ranganathan enunciated two principle viz. in CCC
1. Principles of Local variation ( principles recognizes the need for cataloging code
at different leavel
As follows.
a) International catalogue code
b) National catalogue code
c) Local Catalogue code
2. Principles of Osmosis ( it suggest guidelines and mechanism for changing cataloguing
code and /or scheme of classification used in a library in an economical and effective
803. CCC 1st published in 1934, 2nd edition published 1945 and 3rd edition 1951. 5th edition
804. C.A. Cutter published RULES FOR DICTIONARY CATALOGUE IN 1876. 1st edition
published with 205 rules. 2nd edition published 1889. Fourth edition published 1904,
369 rules.
805. AACR (IFLA) 1961 in year 1967
AACR II published in the 1978
AACR II revised edition published 1988 by Oxford and IBH Publishing.
806. (ISDS) Information Systems and Decision Science, located at ROME
807. Miniature book is a very small book, sized from 0.5 inches square to roughly 2 by 3
inches—no larger than 3 inches in height, width or thickness
808. MARK project was started by LC in the year 1966, project was funded by CLR (Council on
Library Resources). MARK Project began II 1968.
809. CCF UNESCO PGI (General Information Programme) Sicily 1978. (ISO standard 2709)
published in 1984. CCF consists the major four parts :
810. INIS (International Nuclear Information Systems) established, 1970 and enhanced
811. AGRIS (Agriculture Information system) FAO & UNO 1975 onwards at ROME published
812. MEDLARS (Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System) established by NLM 1964.
products Index Medicus, MeSH (Medical Subject Heading) for control vocabulary system
(USA) 1964
813. William A Borden the first librarian in Baroda (1910 -1911)State came from : USA
814. “Grey Literature” means: Internet reports not
published as documents.
815. Mudilyar commission was setup for School education.
816. RFID stands for: Radio Frequency Identification.
817. Tree of Porphyry is: Schematic representation of
818. E.J. Coats invented the “Retroactive ordinal notation”.
819. What is meant by Mnemonics for “Aid to memory”.
820. Principles of helpful sequence in classification given by : Ranganathan,S.R.
821. Principles of is concerned with Re-classification.
823. How many zones are have
recognized by R.Ranganathan in an array: Five.
824. Phoenix schedules are given in: DDC.
825. ALA Code ethics first
published in: 1939.
826. LC List of subject headings first published in: 1909.
827. DDC = Decimal classification (1876)
828. C.A. Cutter - = Expansive classification (1885)
829. LCC (Staff) = Library of congress classification (1904)
830. Paul Otlet & Henry La Fontaine = Universal classification (1905)
831. TRAILS is The document storage system SENDOC
T= Tread literature, R= Report literature, A= Area literature, I= Institutional literature, L= Library literature, S= Sundry literature
832. Building library collection = Acquisition
833. Information Desk = Reference service
834. Information Society concept = Japan 1966 “Johoka Shakal”
835. Knowledge Society (Described) = Peter Druckor (1969)
836. Electronic Society (Suggested) = Zblgnlew Brozozinski (1970)
837. Barriers of Communication = Noise, Language, Over Production, Pollution, Jargon Economics, political problems
838. Channels of Info. Communication = Two type: (a)Formal- Articles,
research Report’s, Books’,
Patents, Standards, A/V presentation,
(b) Informal- Conversation, Informal
Discussion, Correspondence, Other’s.
839. WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) = 1967 UN
840. India IPR act. = 1856 (Protection of inventions)
841. Indian Patent act. = 1970 (HQ Nagpur)
842. Copyright including the computer Industry 1994
843. Patent (Time) validity = 20 year
844. Design = 15 year
845. Tread marks = 10year
846. Copyright = 60year
847. Five Law of Library Science = 1931 “Dr. S. R. Ranganathan”
1. Books are for use (Particularly meant for better use of library, the first law constitutes the
Basis for the library services, (Place, Hour, Staff, Furniture and Building location to easy
accessibility of the library to its users.)
2. Every reader his/her book (This law suggests that every member of the community should be able to obtain materials needed. Collections should meet the special interests of the community, and libraries should promote and advertise. Their services extensively to attract a wide range of users. Obligation of the staff and reader, choice of staff and resource sharing
3. Every book its reader (This principle is closely related to the second law but it focuses on the item itself, suggesting that each item in a library has an individual or individuals who would find that item useful. Ranganathan argued that the library could devise many methods to ensure that each item finds it appropriate reader. One method involved the basic rules for access to the collection, most notably the need for open shelving and arrangement, eye catching to reader)
4. Save the time of the reader (The library collection in one location provided distinct advantages. Excellent staff would not only include those who possess strong reference skills, but also strong technical skills in cataloging, cross-referencing, ordering, accessioning, and the circulation of materials)
5. Library is a growing organism (The growth in staff, the physical collection, and patron use. This involved allowing for growth in the physical building, reading areas, shelving, and in space for the catalog etc).
848. Colon Classification = 1933
849. Madras Library Association(MALA) = 1948 Tamilnadu
850. Book delivery Act. = 1954 and Revised in 1956
851. SDI Ranganathan Coined term SPEED = = System,
P= Pinpoint second law
E= exhaustive third law,
E= expeditious forth law D= Document
852. J. Martine defined information is both a product and process
853. Pool index to periodical literature was brought out by William Frederick.
854. First Global information system = (INIS) International Nuclear Information
System 1969 fully operate 1972 pairs
855. Basic research of method = (a) Historical on document source
(b) Descriptive on surveys, case studies, interviews
(c) Scientific observation, experimentation.
856. India First Library Network = DELNET (Delhi Library Network )
857. First Preservation of document’s = UNESCO
858. Marchand’s Stages of IT Development (I) Automation Tech. Management (1960-70)
(II) Information Resource Management (1970-80)
(III) Knowledge Management (Late 1980..)
859. CD -Rom = Philips & Sony company (1985)
860. Bibliography dictionary e.g. Whos’ who
861. Bibliographical Sources. Bibliography means List of books, Greek Terms derived Billion
means book and Graphien meaning write.
862. Catalogue is a list books. (Maps or other items arranged in some definite order, resources of
863. Incunaula deals with the books published in up to 15th century.
864. The UNESCO's Public Library Manifesto was formulated for its member countries in
1949, to promote the public library system and make knowledge accessible to each and
every member of the society. This manifesto was further revised in 1972 and was
again revised in 1994 in collaboration with International Federation of Library
Associations and Institutions (IFLA).
865. 1) Indian Book Industry (Monthly), New Delhi, Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
2) Decent Indian Books (Quarterly), New Delhi, Federation of Indian Publishers.
3) Accession List South Asia (Monthly), New Delhi, US Library of Congress, N-11,
South Extension.
4) UBD New Books Bulletin (Monthly), New Delhi, Universal Book Distributors, Pvt. Ltd
5) Indian National Bibliography (Monthly), Kolkata, Central Reference Library, Alipore.
866. British Library’s Automated Information SErvice (BLAISE): Blaise is an online
information retrieval service that includes access via a new graphical interface on the
World Wide Web. It is a library network which was introduced in April 1977.
867. Development of Library Network in India: At international level Joint Academic
NETwork (JANET), Online Computer Library Centre (OCLC),
868. NICNET, established by National Informatics Centre (NIC) in 1977 was started in the late
869. Library Act In India
1) Tamil Nadu -1948 2) Andhra Pradesh – 1960 3) Karnataka - 1965
4) Maharashtra -1967 5) West Bengal - 1979 6) Manipur - 1988
7) Kerala – 1989 8) Haryana - 1989 9) Mizoram - 1993
10)Goa – 1993 11)Gujarat - 2001 12)Orissa – 2001
13)Uttarakhand (Uttaranchal)- 2005 14)Rajasthan - 2006 15)UttarPradesh - 2006
16)Chattisgarh – 2007 17)Pondichery-2007 18)Bihar - 2008
19)Arunachal Pradesh-2009
870. National level INDONET is India’s first data communication and computer network
that was started in March 1986 by CMC Ltd..INDONET is a project of Computer
Maintenance Corporation of India
871. Scientific and Industrial Research Network (SIRNET) was established by INSDOC in late
1989 to interconnect all the CSIR laboratories and other R&D institutions in India.
872. INSDOC undertook a feasibility study which was completed in March 1992. MALIBNET
was registered as a society in Chennai in Feb. 1993.
873. DELNET was established in 1988 in Delhi by India in iternational Centre with the initial
financial support of NISSAT.
874. PUNENET (1992) in Pune
875. CALIBNET was established by NISSAT in 1993 in Calcutta.
876. ADINET (1993) in Ahmedabad,
877. BONET (1994) in Mumbai,
878. MYLIBNET (1994) in Mysore
880. BALNET (1995) in Bangalore.
881. Para linguistics is a kind of complementary language which includes meaningful
variations in speech corresponding to patterns of loudness, pitch, hesitation;
882. Kinesics which includes facial expressions, eye movements, gestures, etc;
883. Haptics which refers to the use of touch to communicate, for example, shaking hands,
holding hands, patting, etc;
884. Proxemics refers to the use of interpersonal space, that is to say how far a person is
standing from the other, can communicate different meanings;
885. Chronemics that is to say how time is considered is sometimes a message in itself, a form
of non-verbal communication and is called Chronemics.
886. Technical service coined by M.F. Tube
887. Information Retrieval coined by Clavin Moors
888. The French term informatique was coined in 1962 by Philippe Dreyfus and informatics
coined by Otto Nacke 1979
889. How may kinds of reference service Dr. Ranganathan recognize 12. Reference service
started in India first time.
890. Current Awareness service has come in 1950
891. The Term Expoential Growth is referred to “Geometrical progression”
892. HP Luhnan introduced the SDI in 1958, User Profile is
a statement of user information.
Document profile and matching
893. The term information Science was coined by USA
894. Fedora is a Red Hat Linux-based operating system that provides users with access to the
latest free and open source software
895. In CCF, the equivalent of leader in MARC 21, is called Record label
896. The concept of Anamolous state of Knowledge was proposed by J.N. Belkin
897. An individual who connects an internal colleague with external sources of information is a
“Technology gatekeeper”
898. Growth of Information beyong manageable limits is know us Information Explosion
899. Feature of an information retrieval system (Relevance, Precision and Recall)
900. Redundancy of information is : Unnecessary and should be Eliminated
901. Reference Service is India started by B.S. Kessavan
902. Bellary Shamanna Kesavan is the first National Librarian of independent India.
He is also known as Father of Indian National Bibliography as it was first brought out in its
leadership on August 15, 1958. first Director of the Indian National Scientific
Documentation Centre (INSDOC) at New Delhi. In recognition of his great service to the
nation, the Government of India honored him with Padma Shri. A charitable trust namely,
Kesavan Institute of Information and Knowledge Management (KIIKM) has been formed in
memory of him at Secunderabad.
903. Main difference between CAS & SDI is occurs TIME different, SDI is one kind of personalized
904. Search Strategy is the looking mirror in the dark said by W.A. KATZ
905. Information Audit is counting and analysis of Information Resources of an organization for how they
are useful and critical in achieving the organizational objective.
906. The library wants to advertise their new arrival by display or notifying is called CAS
907. Grandfather of Hypertext Vannever Bush (The word Hypertext was coined by TED Nelson)
908. A technique for identifying the theme of a document from its citations is called
909. Dr. S.R. Raganathan committee recommended 5% of fiction and 2% of nonfiction of book
Weed out every year from library collection
910. INFOTERRA established in 1972 was initiated at Stockholm at (Sweden)
911. First Indian named as the librarian of the Imperial library Calcutta Mr. HARINATH DE
912. There are four scales or levels used for deriving Nominal, Ordinal, Interval and Ratio data.
913. Scientific method can be applied for Research in All subjects
914. The spiral of scientific method (Nadir, Ascendant, Zenith and Descendant) Zenith” contain
in the Spiral of Scientific method is Fundamental laws.
915. In spiral of Scientific method Nadir and Ascendant is known as Experimental Phase
916. Ascent to Zenith is known as Hypothesizing
917. Zenith to Descendant is as Deductive Phase
918. Descendant to Nadir is as Verification Phase.
919. Controlled groups is a term is used in Experimental Research
920. Ranganathan methodology, Neelemeghan worked further on these ideas of the modes of
formation of subjects and enumerated a few micro modes. These are: Fission, Distillation of
Kind 1, Distillation of Kind 2, Fusion, Clusters, Agglomeration of Kind 1 & Kind 2
921. Main source of Income for University Libraries UGC funds
922. MacBride Report on the New International Information Order in relation Mass Media.
Also known by the name “ Many Voices and One World”
923. Bibliometrics law describes the Scientific Productivity and Frequency of Publication any
Author in a given field LOTKA LAW, .
924. FTP Protocols is used in transferring file over internet
925. UNIMARC was developed by IFLA
926. How different nodes in a network are connected and now they communicated
are determined by Network Topology.
927. When a sources referred to once in the footnote is referred to again and between them no
other reference (i.e. Citation) intervenes then the footnote used the abbreviation (Ibid)
928. Indexing system in which the coordination of terms is done at the search state was first
introduced by DEREK AUSTIN
929. INDES MEDICUS is brought out as printed publication Monthly
930. JSTOR is an online system for archiving and accessing academic journals located in USA
931. 260 tag is MARC format marks the publication Information, developed by LC
932. Resources sharing among libraries was promoted by the factors Price escalation
and Information Explosion
933. The Library Association UK is now called CILIP
934. Real Time Access refers to Access when searched for
935. Dublin core meta data consist of 15 elements
936. A type of indexing where terms are coordinated prior or search Pre-coordinating indexing
937. The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) is United States (USA) copyright law that
implements two 1996 treaties of the World Intellectual Property Organization. The DMCA's
principal innovation in the field of copyright, the exemption from direct and indirect
liability of internet service providers and other intermediaries, was adopted by the
European Union in the Electronic Commerce Directive 2000. The Copyright Directive 2001
implemented the 1996 WIPO Copyright Treaty in the EU.
938. Use of integrated circuits was made in 3rd Generation computer
939. The Quotation Where is the Wisdom, we have lost the knowledge stated by T.S. Eliot
940. Entropy is a measure of Degree of Uncertainty in information
941. A committee on national network of libraries was started in the year 1988.
942. The provision of Phase relations in DDC was made available 11th Edition
943. Cost benefit analysis means Value of Money
944. In a questionnaires, questionnaire on age, income, and gender are independent variable
945. Libraries as Gateway to knowledge is the title of the documents NATIONAL KNOWLEDGE
946. Standards is Neo –conventional documents
947. DDC was published as a thesis in 1873
948. 9 canons of cataloguing are recognized by Dr. S.R. Ranaganathan
950. Publisher of the AACR2 revised edition OXFORD & IBH PUBLISHING.
951. The Right to Information Act, 2005 (22 of 2005) has been enacted by the Parliament and
has come into force from 15 June, 2005. This Act provides for right to information for
citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities in order to
promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority
952. Who said "Library is the heart of university? Charles W. Eliot
953. Who quoted “Library is a people’s university? Canon Cody
954. Joint Academic Network (JANET): The JANET was inaugurated on 1st April 1984.
It uses the Science and Engineering Research Council Network (SERCNET) UK
955. The concept of systems and specials can be found in CC
956. STOR was founded in the year 1995
957. Conference proceedings is a Primary Source of information
958. Astrophysics is a result of Fusion (mode of formation of subject).
959. CODEN was designed by Charles Bishop
960. Edition 22 of DDC has 6 tables(volume 1)
961. Canon for array of classes is one of the canons of Idea plane
962. Edition six of CC has 3 parts
963. Objective of DP Rayichoudhwary Committee is to improve Academic library
964. Mudaliar commission is related with School library
965. Kabat Committee is related with Metropolitan area
966. University Education Commission chairman (1948-1949) was S. Radhakrishnan
967. Perry committee in UK reports on University libraries
968. Hawnt committee deals with the public library service in north Ireland
969. Lal committee is mainly related to M.L.IS
970. A small book is technically called Biblot
971. Carnegie medal is awarded to an author of an outstanding book for children
972. A publication whose title page is missing is technically called Anepigraphon
973. The INFLIBNET centre which provides a platform for research students to deposit their
Ph. D. theses and make it available to the entire scholarly community through open access
is Shodhganga
974. The headquarters of IASLIC is in Kolkata.
975. UNESCO's database of book translations is called Index translationum
976. Dr. S. R. Ranganathan was conferred the title RAO SAHIB 1935 for his contribution in the
field of Librarianship
977. Albert Humphrey developed SWOT analysis.
978. The agency of United Nations having its headquarters at Geneva, which is dedicated for the
use of intellectual property as a means of stimulating innovation and creativity is World
Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).
979. Secession layer of OSI establishes, manages and ends connections between applications and
manages the interaction between end systems.
980. DVD (an abbreviation of "digital
versatile disc or "digital
video disc) is a digital optical
disc storage format invented and developed by Philips, Sony, Toshiba, and Panasonic in 1995
981. Archie created by Alan Emtage is called the grandfather
of all search engines.
982. Flow Chart used In : Programming
What is Sco-Zenix ? Multiuser operating Systems
What is ''Lipi" Word Processor
What Type of Transmission in Cell phones ? Microwave .
What is DPI ? Disc per inch
Another name of Floppy disc is : Diskette
7.OS-2 operating systems is designed by: IBM
What is NAN ? Neighborhood Area Network
is IRC ? Internet Relay Chat
991.What is ESS? Electronic spread sheet.
992. Research libraries and information retrieval system (RLIN) situated at Scand ford,
California in the year 1978.
993. Scientific and Industrial Research Network (SIRNET) project was lunched by NISCAIR in
The year 1989.
994. LOCAS means Local Catalogue Service.
995. CHECKMAT software is made for serial control in a library.
996. Gatekeeping is the process through which information is filtered for dissemination,
whether for publication, broadcasting, the Internet, or some other mode of communication.
The academic theory of gatekeeping is found in multiple fields of study, including
communication studies, journalism, political science, and sociology. It was originally
focused on the mass media with its few-to-many dynamic but now gatekeeping theory also
addresses face-to-face communication and the many-to-many dynamic inherent in the
Internet. The theory was first instituted by social psychologist Kurt Lewin in 1943
997. DELMS (Defense library management system) project was launched by DESIDOC.
998. CARIS (Current Agricultural Research Information System) project is
started by AGRIS.
999. Star Network is a type of computer network needs maximum networking cable.
1000. ADONIS (Article Delivery Over Network Information System) is a first electronic
Document delivery system.
1001. PASCAL is language used in Research
1002. Artificial intelligence understands more than human brain
1003. Expert system is computer program
1004. Neural network is a programme
1005. VERONICA is called the grandmother of search engines/ Network Navigation tool.
1006. The Journal published in UK is Program
1007. Opaque paper is Ultra-white thin paper
1008. Institute of Information Scientists(IIS) and Library Association UK (LA) merged in
2002 to form CILIP
1009. The term Gazette is associated with official/governmental documents and the
term gazetteer is basically a Geographical Information
1010. A classification and subject index, for cataloguing and arranging the books and pamphlets
of a library written by Melvil Dewey in 1876 is the 1st edition of DDC.
1011. Words with different spelling and meaning but with identical pronunciation are called .
Homophones(same sound) Eg. Birth, Berth).
1012. The full form of DOAJ is Directory of Open Access Journals
1013. UDC was first published between 1904-1907 in FRENCH (language).
1014. Dr. S. R. Ranganathan was awarded honorary D. Litt. by University of Delhi (1948) and
University of Pittsburgh (1964).
1015. Anesthesiology is a result of cluster mode of formation of subject).
1016. What is the standard size of the date label 5” x 3”
1017. The 12 rules for relational database were given by Edgar F. Codd
1018. First edition of Encyclopedia Britannica Published in the year 1768-1771 of 3 Volumes.
1019. Encyclopedia Britannica 9th edition was Scholar edition.
1020. Encyclopedia Britannica published from Encyclopedia Britannica in corporation
1021. New Encyclopedia Britannica has been divided 3 parts. Micro, Macropedia and Propedia
1022. Words with same spelling and pronunciation but different meaning are called Homonyms
(same name) [Eg. Mercury(planet), Mercury(element)
1023. According to Dr. S.R. Ranganathan the proportion of expenditure of University
Library budget on books and other reading materials should 40%
1024. Bodleian Library is in the University of OXFORD
1025. The Science Citation Index Science citation Index published from PHILADEPHIA by
Institute of Scientific Information (ISI) and created by Eugene Garfield. It was
officially launched in 1964. It is now owned by Thomson Reuters. The index is made
available online through different platforms, such as the Web of Science and SciSearch
1026. The impact factor was devised by Eugine Garfield
1027. The first automated citation indexing was done by CiteSeer
in 1997
1028. Eugine Garfield was the
founder of the Institute for
Scientific Information (ISI),
which was located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1029. The h-index was suggested by Jorge E. Hirsch in 2005 The h-index is an index that
attempts to measure both the productivity and impact of the published work of a scientist
or scholar. The index is based on the set of the scientist's most cited papers and the
number of citations that they have received in other publications. Physicist at UCSD, as a
tool for determining theoretical physicists' relative quality and is sometimes called
the Hirsch index (or) Hirsch number. Alternative index are Pure- H index and I-index
1030. Encryption is a form of coding that transforms the original understandable message into a
bit string that does not make any sense. The encrypted bit string is transmitted over the
communication system.
1031. Decryption is the inverse process of encryption, which extracts the original message from
the encrypted bit string
ISI Web of Knowledge indexes more than 11,000
science and social science journals.
1033. The g-index is an index for quantifying scientific productivity based on publication record
1034. The g-index was suggested in 2006 by Leo Egghe
1035. NewgenLib is an integrated library management system, Indian first Open source software
developed by Kesavan Institute, Hyderabad, Handled by Vernica
1036. Information science emerged in the 19th century
1037. Joseph Marie Jacquard invented a punched card system to control operations of the cloth
weaving loom in France.
1038. “Shodhagangotri” concerned with Synopsis of Thesis
1039. Starting Chaining, Browsing, Differentiating, Monitoring Extracting, Verification and
Ending are important stages of Ellis Model Information Seeking behavior.
1040. When Library Science Abstracts Changed its name to Library and Information
Science Abstracts 1969
1041. Copy tracker is software which is used for ? To detect plagiarism in text document
1042. The term “Librametry” was coined by ? Dr. S. Ranganathan
1043. Intercept interviewing research is widely used in ? Tourism
1044. Multiple choice questionnaires comes under Closed ended
1045. H A denotes ? NULL Hypothesis
1046. Which one of the curves is more peaked than the normal curve? Leptokurtic
1047.The difference between the maximum and minimum value of a series is known as RANGE
1048. Scatter diagram is graph showing x & y values
1049. DF means Degree of Freedom.
1050. Librametry 1948, Bibliometry 1969, Scientometry 1977, Infometry 1979
1051. What are the four Phase of SDI Selection, Notification, Feedback and Modification
1052. What is the other name of ‘Bibliometrics” Statistical Bibliography
1053. Document Storage System in SENDOC is TRAINLS
1054. Peter lazer prepard the UNESCO’s committee report for establishment of NISSAT
1055. How does CC arrange books on fiction? Date of birth of author
1056. RFID is Automatic identification and tracking Technology
1057. DDC number for ‘Personality Development’ is 158.1
1058. Blog is the Personal Website, Web 2.0 tool, Interactive web site
1059. Open Sources software has freely available, it has source Code, and body can Customize
1060. South Asia Largest Library is Anna centenary library, Chennai , India
1062. Which University Library starts first Library automation project in India?- Hyderabad
1063. Dublin core metadata initiative which is based on-XML
1064. In a given year, the impact factor of a journal is the average number of citations
received per paper published in that journal during the two preceding years
1065. Who developed e-granthalaya library automation software-NIC
1066. Joomla is-Mgt.system for publishing content on WWW
1067. GSDL was support by-UNESCO
1068. UGC-Infonet e-journal consortium was launched on-28th Dec-2003
1069. Organizational domain .int represents- International institution
1070. FORSA
it is a forum for-Astronomy & Astro Physics
1071. Book number is a part of Call Number
1072. International Who’s who was published Annually at London
1073.The term “lexicon” is derived from Greek
1074. Research report published from NASA was comes under which source Primary
1075. Trade Journals was comes under which source Primary
1076. Guides to the Literature is Secondary
1077. IAEA” stands for International Atomic Energy Agency
1078. International Encyclopaedia of Social Science was published
1079. The Guinness book of world records was Handbook
1080. Gazetteers bring information relating to To find the Place
1081. India : a reference annual” was published in 1953
1082. What is correlation? It helps us in analysing the variation of two or more variables
1083. Which software is used for analysing the data in research? SPSS, Ms-Excel
1084. What are the functions of Hypothesis? To test theories, To suggest theories,
To describe social phenomena
1085. The term “Research” is derived from FRENCH
1086. How many parts in Latin square design? 4 square
1087. Which statistical tool is used for, "Cultivation of crops using different fertilizers F Test
1088. 16 steps for preparing research design?
1089. 2types types in ANOVA method
1090. ANOVA method was first developed by R.A. FISHER
1091. Expansion of ANOVA Analysis of Variance
1092. ANOVA techniques used in Multiple Samples testing
1093. First edition of DDC anonymously (unknown author) was published 44 pages in 1876
1094. DDC Second edition was published in 1883.
1095. 20th edition of DDC published 1989
1096. Melvil dewey date of birth 10- December 1851
1097. 22nd edition DDC published in 2002
1098. 23nd edition DDC published in 2011
1099. Bibliographics classification by H.E.Bliss was published 1935
1100. International classification by F.Rider was published 1961
1101. What is Call number for biography in DDC 22nd Edition 920
1102. Madras public Library Act enacted 1948. came and force on 1 April 1950.
1103. On which year imperial library change the name as National library of India 1948
1104. Books in print (R.R.Bowker) first published in 1948
1105. INIS Founded in the year 1957
1106. Indian copy right act amended on 1957
1107. Content analysis was introduced in the year 1945
1108. National book trust in India was established in the year 1957
1117. Biological Abstract starts in the year 1926
1118. If the encryption and decryption keys are identical, the cryptosystem is said to be
Symmetric. If the keys are not the same, the system is asymmetric.
1119. Which country introduce standard number first UK
1120. What is the Abbreviation of EAN International Article number
1121. Jubilee project is related to User studies.
1122. Calculation of impact factor Web of Science and Scopus
1123. Solomon Four Group Design This design is a combination of the pretest-posttest
control group design and the posttest only control group design.
1124. K(S) +1 = K (S + S) expressed by B.C. Brooks knowledge in a mathematical
1125. Near synonym term to information is IDEA, DATA, FACTS
1126. Kardex Systems adopted in libraries for the maintenance of Periodicals
1127. Special libraries get their funds from their parental body
1128. 3rd law of library science governs the book selection in the libraries and Extension Services
1129. POSTCORB are Elements of Management
1130. Dr. S.R. Ranganathan used the term “BESPEAKING” for reservation of book
1131. Classical Orgnisation theory of management is the contribution of F.W. Taylor
1132. In CCC the subject analytical entry is called CROSS REFERENCE ENTRY
1133. Ranganathan designed Chain Procedure method of deriving subject heading for documents
1134. Access security is applicable to databases and networks. Databases are protected by access control
mechanisms and networks by firewalls. A firewall sits between a public access network and a
private protected network. It examines the incoming messages, permits legal messages to enter the
protected network, and discards suspicious or illegal ones. Application security is enforced by using
application firewalls that are also known as proxies.
1135. Dr.S.R. Ranganathan chain procedure is based on CLASS NUMBER
1136. Classaurus is a faceted hierarchies schema of terms with vocabulary control feature. The
elementary categories of POPSI are DEAPM (Discipline, Entity, Property and Action, Modifier)
8 (Eight) steps involved in POPSI Indexing. Developed by G.Bhattacharya in 1979
1137. Current contents is INDEXING SERVICE
1138. Full Stop, Space and Dash punctuation mark is used before the place of publication is
1139. The details of a book comprising author, title, imprint and collation are called
( Bibliographic Description )
1140. Ibid. (abbreviation for the Latin Ibidem, meaning "The same"). Refers to the same author
and source (e.g., book, journal) in the immediately preceding reference.
1141. op. cit. (abbreviation for the Latin opus citatum, meaning "the work cited").
Refers to the reference listed earlier by the same author.
1142. Impact factors are calculated yearly for those journals that are indexed in
Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports ( web of Science)
1143. Japanese initiated a series of studies attempting to measure the degree of Johoka in Japanese Society. One of the indices developed for this purpose by RITE was Information Ratio
1144. In October 1985, the Government of India set up a Committee on National Policy on Library and
Information System (CONPOLIS) under the Chairmanship of Prof. D.P. Chattopadhyaya
1145. Ward Cunningham, the developer of the first wiki software, WikiWikiWeb, originally
described it as "the simplest online database that could possibly work."Wiki"
(pronounced [witi] or [viti]) is a Hawaiian word meaning "fast" or "quick
1146. UGC has decentralised its operations by setting up six regional centres at Pune, Hyderabad,
Kolkata, Bhopal, Guwahati and Bangalore University Education Commission was set up in 1948
under the Chairmanship of Dr. S Radhakrishnan.
1147. The PPBS is a formal, systematic structure for making decisions on policy, strategy, and the
development of forces and capabilities to accomplish anticipated missions.
1148. First time B.Lib in Lib.& India - Aligarh Muslim Uni.
1149. First Diploma in Lib. & Inf. Sci. is Madras.
1150. The term cyber space was first used by Cyberpunk science fiction author William Gibson
1151. Patent is granted by the national or regional patent office. It is valid for a limited period of time,
generally for 20 years
1152. The central value of Distribution is known as Mode.
1153. Formulation of Research Hypothesis implies Formation of tentative generalization
1154. When the population is heterogenous, Stratified Randam sampling methods give better results.
1155. WIPO is the acronym for the World Intellectual Property Organization, specialized agency
of the United Nations, located at Switzerland (Geneva)
1156. Reading room table ISI size 900mm x 600mm
1157. Repository Software there are a number of open-source software packages for running a
repository including: DSpace , Eprints , Fedora
1158. Bibliographical lists are provided for each of the eight stages in the Information Transfer
Cycle: Creation, Production, Dissemination, Organization, Diffusion, Utilization,
1159. Library Cess is the mechanism by which the state government collect revenue for
the functioning of public libraries in the state. Library cess is a kind of tax which is
levied on the house/property tax, usually it ranges between 5%-10%.
1160. Referral service is Directing the user right place or book/ Information available location.
1161. K.P. Sinha to recommend the future library structure and its development in India. The Committee
submitted its report in 1958 1162. MIPS stands for Million Instructions Per Second
1163. UGC appointed a Review Committee in 1961 under the chairmanship of Dr.Ranganathan, to look
into the standards of teaching and research in library science in Indian universities.
1164. The first Curriculum Development Committee (CDC) in LIS was appointed by the UGC under the
Chairmanship of Prof. P.N. Kaula in 1990.
1165. The UGC constituted the second CDC in LIS under the chairmanship of Dr C.R. Karisiddappa.
The Committee submitted its report in 2011.
1165. The National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) was established in 1994 by the UGC.
1166. Maharaja Sayaji Rao Gaikwad II of Baroda invited an American librarian W.A. Borden in 1911 to
establish a network of libraries in his state.
1167. Borden started the first training programme for librarians in India.
1168. Dr.S.R. Ranganathan started Madras University making it a Diploma in Library Science (DLiSc).
1169. Dr. S. R. Radhakrishnan Commission, University Grants Commission (UGC) was established in
December 1953 (in November 1956 as a statutory body).
1170. National Policy on Education in Policy established in 1968.
1171. May 1986, a new National Policy on Education (NPE) was adopted by the Parliament of
India. It was revised in 1992 following the suggestions of Acharya Ramamurti Committee (1990)
and N. Janardhana Reddy Committee (1992).
1172. Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) in 1985 proved a catalyst for open and
distance learning.
1173. Internet filtering means Internet censorship
1174. Asiatic Society Library, Bombay is the oldest library 1804
1175. National Library is on 1836.
1176. In KWIC index the keyeward is derived from the Title. The author Index is WADEX
1177. Students are attracted by the Internet service in Library so they are visiting library frequently, so
this is called - dependent variables.
1178. Brown Charging System easy to handle- keep history (Record) of users
1179. Michael Polayani has given two categories of as ‘explicit’ and ‘tacit’ knowledge. Explicit
knowledge is expressed in words and numbers and shared in the form of data, scientific formulae,
specifications, manuals, and the like
1180. Tacit knowledge is highly personal and hard to formalise, making it difficult to communicate or
share with others. Subjective insights, intuition, experience and hunch fall into this category of
knowledge. Tacit knowledge is deeply rooted in an individual’s actions and experience as well as in
his/her ideals, values, and emotions.
1181. The protocol used to transfer file from one system to anther system is? File Tansfer Protocol (FTP)
1182. In 1974, Paul Zurkowski has given term Information Literacy, The term “information literacy”
first appeared in library literature during the 1970s
1183. For what purpose, Solomon Four Group Design is used . Quantitative Analysis i.e. data analysis
1184. Xerography is also called as Electrophotography
1185. Inference Engine is available in Expert System.
1186. Who has published the book entitled " Information Power: Building Partnership for
Learning" Answer: American Association of School Librarians [AASL]
1187. The process of configuring the disks into track and sector is called. (Backup)
1188. Ranganathan’s Five Laws of Library Service can be adapted, as enumerated, as the normative
principles of knowledge resources management and service in all types of organizations.
1189. GYANODAYA It is Library Management Software developed by National Institute of Financial
Management under Ministry of Finance, Government of India.
1190. Wyer theorized in 1930 that reference work could be either “conser- vative,” “moderate” or
1191. CDS/ISIS The Computerized Documentation Services/Integrated Set of Information System
(CDS/ISIS) is a PC based bibliographic package developed by UNESCO. This software works on a
simple PC/XT and is also available on UNIX and NOVELL platform. The Windows Version has
also been released.
1192. A research design is the research design has been considered a "blueprint" for research, Dealing
with at least four problems: what questions to study, what data are relevant, what data to collect,
and how to analyze the results.
1193. OCLC Worldcat A global catalog of library collections.
1194. The government rule 195 for the stock verification and how many books are provision and for the
loss in a financial year,
1195. Freedom to Read Statement’, largely in response to the attempted censorship of library Materials by
Senator Joseph McCarthy.
1196. American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIST) is to advance information
professionals and the field of information science. ASIST owes its origins to the American
Documentation Institute (ADI), which was chartered as a non-profit organization in March 1937
1197. In 1950 the ADI first published its Journal American Documentation
1198. ASIST produces two well-respected publications in the information science field.
The Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology &
The Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (JASIST)
1199. The Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules (AACR) is the dominant bibliographic standard regulating
descriptive cataloguing in the English speaking world. First published in 1967
1200. Who is known as Dewey of Japan? Fujio
1201. Who is known as Ranganathan of Pakistan? Dr.Khursheed
1202. Emrald full text database is published from UK
1203. MICR Expansion of Magnetic Ink Character Recognition
1204. The basic principles of reference collection development, as mentioned by Meghan Harper
1206. RDA stands for. (Resource Description and Access)
1205. (SCONUL, 1999), introducing the Seven Pillars of Information Literacy: Core (Identity, Scope, Plan, Gather, Evaluate, Manage and Present). Since then, the model has been adopted by librarians and teachers around the world as a means of helping them to deliver information skills to their learners. In 2012 the model was updated and expanded to reflect more clearly the range of different terminologies and concepts which we now understand as “Information Literacy”
1207. Which is the primary source of finding out Indian periodicals in agriculture Refrence Asia
1208. Kurtosis are three types
1209. Recall and prediction ratios are used in the evaluation of Information
1210. There are a total of 50 relevant documents in a collection. In response to a query, only 30
Document is retrieved, of these,
only 10 were relevant. What is the recall percentage?
A} 20%
B} 33% Ans :- B} 33%
C} 40%
D} 60%
Nimber of non-retrieve documents=20 (50-30=20)
= 0.33
= 0.33*100=33% (i.e. 33/100=0.33)
1211. A retrieval system retrieves a total of 50% documents, out of these 40
are irrelevant.
Another 10 document which where relevant were not retrieved . The Precision percentage
of that query would be ?
A} 40%
B} 20% ANS
1212. Libraries as gateways to knowledge are the title of the document. National Knowledge
Comission on Libraries, 2007
1213. The first all India conference of librarians in 1918 was held at Lahoor
1214. Fish Bone Diagram will helps the identify the relationship between problems and cuases
1215. Pareto chart wil helps to
idientify the intensity of each problem in the control (SQC/SPC)Process
1216. If two citations are cited together is known as ADONIS (Article Delivery Over Network
Information System)
1217. NIT SILCHAR. The Central Library which is the heart of the Institute was established in 1977.
1218. The Society for Information Science (SIS) was founded at 1975 (ASSAM)
1219. Technological Gatekeepers are key persons in innovation-related communication processes who
supply scientists and engineers in the industrial R&D divisions informally with relevant information
through external sources. (Allen 1987)
1220. Who is the ex-officio secretary of LLA? District Library Officer
1221. Who is the father of library movement in India? Siwajee rao Gaekwad ii
1222. IT Act was enacted in India? 2000
1223. Who played key role in the development of Library service in Baroda? Siwajee rao Gaekwad ii
1224. Wheat loan programme was associated with which libraries? Academic library
1225. Which classification schemes used the national Library of India ? DDC 22nd
1226. Bhore Committee recommended the establishment of Central Medical Library india
1227. What is the major source of income for University libraries ? UGC
1228. Who proposed the law that 6% of the total university budget be spent for libraries? Sinha
1229. Indian Copyright act was latest amended in 2012 which came into force on 21 June 2012
1230. Micro – opaque card is (Non- book material )
1231. European translation centre is loctated at (Delft)
1232. UNISIST is programe by UNESCO (Word Information System for Science & Technology)
1233. Exchange of Documents among libraries is called (Resources sharing)
1234. INDONET Is sponsored by (CMC Ltd.)
1235. Which of the following networks is not primarily for academic purpose (NICNET)
1236. Who is the father of punched cards (Herman Hollerith)
1237. PC falls in (Minicomputer)
1235. The memory capacity of computer is measured in (Bytes)
1236. Rom is a component of (Microprocessor )
1237. In computer jargon ,the printed copy is often refereed as (Hard copy)
1238. The concept of “Anomalous State of Knowledge” (ASK) was proposed by Belkin
1239. A file name in a database file should not exceed more than (8 characters)
1240. The international conference on cataloguing principles was held (1961)
1241. SLIC was developed by (Sharp)
1242. MESH is an example of (Subject Heading)
1243. The indexing and subject cataloguing are (Homonymous to each other, synonymous to Each other,
independent, antonymous to each other)
1244. Index Medicus provides the bibliography of (Medical Journals) published monthly
1245. Collection of maps put together in a book form is called (Atlas)
1246. Hlaf Line of information implies “As information ages, it is useless”
1247. Trend reports are useful to meet (Exhaustive approach)
1248. Initiation to new user this term coined by ( SRR,)
1249. Personal assistance to the user in getting desired information is called ( Reference service)
1250. What is a referral centre? The organisation to direct/refer to a source for help or information,
call referral centre.
1251. Documentation is similar to ( Reference service )
1252. What does PIS stand for (Patent Information System)
1253. Bay guide denotes (Range of materials in a Stack Room,)
1254. Parallel arrangement of books means (SIZE AND CLASSIFIED ORDER)
1255. Sentronic is a device used to (Catch book thieves)
1257. Leather binding is used for (Reference & rare books)
1257. Which of the following materials are not included in INB ( Govt. publications. )
a) Maps
b) Musical scores
c) Periodicals and Newspapers (except the first issue of a new periodical and
the first issue of a
periodical under a new title)
d) Keys and Guides to Textbooks
e) Ephemeral and other such materials.
1258. Shelf rectification means (Restoration of Shelf Order)
1259. Wadia committee was constituted to study the (The new techniques in library
science training)
1260. Organizational chart shows the structure of an organization in the (Vertical and linear)
1261. Unity of command was proponed by (P. Drucker)
1262. Classification orientated from Lain word
1263. Method to know about information seeking behavior of the users in library is called
(User Studies)
1264. The main classed in LC are denoted by (Roman capitals, Indo –Arabic numerals)
1265. The concept thersaurofacet was developed by (INSDOC)
1266. Which of the following cataloguing codes is based on ICCP (AACR)
1267. The Vatican Library published a code of rules in 1931[6] that was later stated to be "the
most complete statement of American cataloging practice.
1268. The study of Anglo-American cataloguing codes, the Paris Principles adopted at the
International Conference on Cataloguing Principles (ICCP) and, to some extent, two non
Anglo-American codes
1269. Canons of cataloguing was first formulated by (Dr.SRR)
1270. The word "canon" comes from the Greek "κανών", meaning "rule" or "measuring stick".
The term was first coined in reference to scripture by Christians
1271. The Ninety-One Rules were drafted by Panizzi for the printed book catalogue of the
Museum (who made the rules first for cataloguing By Panizzi)
1272. ISO 2709 is an ISO standard for bibliographic descriptions, titled Information and
documentation—Format for information exchange. It is maintained by the Technical
Committee for Information and Documentation. MARC21 library cataloging data using
ISO 2709
1273. Contextual Indexing and Faceted Taxonomic Access System (CFR) by lngwersen and Worrnell"
1274. There are three kinds of fields in the ISO 2709 record:
· Record identifier field—identifying the record and assigned by the organization that creates the record. The record identifier field has tag 001.
· Reserved fields—Reserved fields supply data which may be required for the processing of the record. Reserved fields always have a tag in the range 002–009 and 00A–ZZZ.
· Bibliographic Fields—these are in the range 010–999 and 0AA–ZZZ. The bibliographic fields contain data and a field separator (IS2 of ISO 646). They can also have these optional sub-parts:
o Indicator (0–9 characters, as coded in the Leader)—Indicators generally provide further information about the contents of the field, the relationship between the field and other fields in the record, or about action required in certain data manipulation processes (including display labels).
o Identifier (0–9 characters)—This identifies data within the bibliographic field. Where used, identifiers are composed of a delimiter (1 char, IS1 of ISO 646) and an identifying code (1–9 chars, as defined in the leader), plus a variable length string containing the data.
1275. Relative Index is associated with (DDC)
1276. Information is the process of (Knowledge)
1277. Invisible colleges are (Network of interested peoples )
1278. Universal copyright convention of 1952 was held at (Berne)
1279. NASSDOC is an example of a an (Research library) located at delhi established 1969 by ICSSR
1280. Generally special libraries get their funds from (Parent body)
1281. The member secretary of the university library committed is (University Librarian)
1282. Local Library Authority is also known as (Rural Library Authority)
1283. Working hours are described by (Library Rules)
1284. The library statistics pertain to library resources, technical services and (User services)
1285. COUNTER (Counting Online Usage of Networked Electronic Resources) Launched in March
2002. The first COUNTER Code of Practice, covering online journals and databases, was
published in 2003.
1286. GOC (Good Office committee) conversion rates for books and journals international Subscription
1287. Some website which provide cloud storage services a very convenient way to deal with all of the
files and data pervade our personal and work lives. Examples. - offers a free 2 GB storage option - offers free stores up to 25 GB - allows free storage up to 5 GB - allows free storage up to 5 GB - Provides up to 50 GB free storage above website are very useful to store library records in cloud storage.
1288. Management information systems are not only computer systems - these systems
encompass three primary components: technology, people (individuals, groups, or
organizations), and data/information for decision making.
1289. A decision support system (DSS) is a computer-based information system that supports
business or organizational decision-making activities. DSSs serve the management,
operations, and planning levels of an organization and help to make decisions, which may
be rapidly changing and not easily specified in advance. Decision support systems can be
either fully computerized, human or a combination of both. DSSs include knowledge-
based systems
1290. In artificial intelligence, an expert system is a computer system that emulates the decision-making
ability of a human expert. Expert systems are designed to solve complex problems by reasoning
about knowledge, like an expert, and not by following the procedure of a developer as is the case in
conventional programming. The first expert systems were created in the 1970s and then proliferated
in the 1980s. Expert systems were among the first truly successful forms of AI software. An expert
system has a unique structure, different from traditional programs. It is divided into two parts, one
fixed, independent of the expert system: the inference engine, and one variable: the knowledge base.
To run an expert system, the engine reasons about the knowledge base like a human. In the 80s a
third part appeared: a dialog interface to communicate with \ users. This ability to conduct a
conversation with users was later called "conversational Eg. Stanford Heuristic Programming
Project, including the "father of expert systems" with the Dendral and Mycin
1291. The Delphi method is a structured communication technique, originally developed as a systematic,
interactive forecasting method which relies on a panel of experts. By O. Helmer
1292. Institutional repository is an online locus for collecting, preserving, and disseminating - in digital
form - the intellectual output of an institution, particularly a research institution. This would include
materials such as research journal articles, before (preprints) and after (postprints) undergoing
peer review, and digital versions of theses and dissertations.
1293. Ontologies to overcome the limitations of keyword-based search has been put forward as one of the
motivations of the Semantic Web since its emergence in the late 90’s. Ontologies provide
controlled vocabularies for the classification of content.
1294. Gray literature means in the words of M.C. Debachere. Examples of grey literature include
technical reports from government agencies or scientific research groups, working papers from
research groups or committees, white papers, or preprints. The term grey literature is often
employed exclusively with scientific research in mind, evertheless, grey literature is not a specific
genre of document, but a specific, non- commercial means of disseminating information.
1295. DSpace is a turnkey institutional repository is service offered by the DuraSpace not-for-profit
Organization SpaceDirect is the hosted repository solution for low-cost discovery, access,
archiving, and preservation. DSpaceDirect will preserve and provide access to academic faculty
and student papers, projects, and research. DSpaceDirect can also be used to store and share large
image, video, and audio files.
1296. Impact factor is a measure reflecting the average number of citations to articles published
in science and social science journals.
1297. The impact factor was devised by Eugene Garfield, the founder of the Institute for Scientific
Information (ISI), now part of Thomson Reuters. Impact factors are calculated yearly for those
journals that are indexed in Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports
1298. Harold Lasswell formulated the core questions of content analysis: "Who says what, to whom,
why, to what extent and with what effect of W5
1299. SSDC referred to the National Documentation Centre now known as: NASSDOC
1300. Web 2.0 is associated with web applications that facilitate participatory information sharing,
interoperability, user-centered design, and collaboration on the World Wide Web.
1301. Examples of Web 2.0 include social networking sites, blogs, wikis, video sharing sites, hosted
services, web applications, mashups and folksonomies. The term related closely realted Tim
O'Reilly because of the O'Reilly Media Web 2.0 conference in late 2004.
1302. Hyperlinks give us choices when we look for information, listen to music, purchase products, and
engage in similar activities. They take the form of buttons, underlined words and phrases, and other
“hot” areas on the screen.
1303. Hypertext refers to the use of hyperlinks (or simply “links”) to present text and static graphics.
Many websites are entirely or largely hypertexts.
1304. Hypermedia refers to the presentation of video, animation, and audio, which are often referred to
as “dynamic” or “time based” content or as “multimedia.
1305. The Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) has set-up the "Indian National
Digital Library in Engineering Sciences and Technology (INDEST) Consortium
1306. Infometrics: the study of quantitative aspect of information in any form.
1307. Bibliometrics: the study of quantitative aspect of production, dissemination and use of Recorded
1308. Cybermetrics: the study of quantitative aspect of Internet as a whole.
1309. Webometrics: the study of quantitative aspect of web/web site.
1310. Scientometrics: the study was introduced in 1976, it’s study of quantitative aspect of science as a
discipline or economic activity.
1311. Bjorn born & Ingwersen have proposed a differentiated terminology distinguishing between
studies of the web and studies of all Internet applications. They use ‘webometrics’ for study of web
and ‘cybermetrics’ for study of Internet applications
1312. Social network is a social structure made up of individuals (or organizations) called "nodes", which
are tied (connected) by one or more specific types of interdependency, such as friendship, kinship,
common interest, financial exchange, dislike, sexual relationships, or relationships of beliefs,
knowledge or prestige.
1313. RDF is a family of World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) specifications originally designed as a
metadata data model.
1314. Really Simple Syndication RSS, originally RDF Resource_Description_Framework) Site Summary,
often dubbed RSS) is a family of web feed formats used to publish frequently updated works-such
as blog entries, news headlines, audio, and video-in a standardized format.
1315. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit online.
1316. Ward Cunningham, the developer of the first wiki software, WikiWikiWeb, originally described it
as "the simplest online database that could possibly work. "Wiki" pronounced [witi] or [viti]) is a
Hawaiian word meaning "fast" or "quick.
1317. The spiral of scientific method Nadir (Starting point), Ascendant,(Growing) Zenith (Peak) and
Descendant (fall down)
1318. EJ Coates - Things, Property, Material, Action (Subject Cataloges)
1319. Current awareness bulletin is Information product.
1320. Non- sampling errors are referred to as the errors of Quantification
1321. The method for reducing the physical size of a block of information is called Data compression,
1322. Public Library and Museum Act-1964
1323. Rubert Fugmann developed the theory of Information Supply and Indexing based on five
axioms (doctorines) such as - definability; order; sufficient degree of order; predictability;
and Fidelity
1324. The smallest unit of data in a database is Field
1325. Arrange the contribution in management in the proper chronological order?
Ans. Henary Gant(1861), Juran(1904), Peter Durker(1909), Ishikawa(1915).
1326. Select the right sequence of contribution of classificationists in the chronological order?
Ans. Franic Bacon(1561), W.T.Harris(1835), Melvil Dewey(1851), J.D.Brown(1969).
1327. Delivery books and new papers act 1954 this act National library gets 3 copies of each
book publishers any publisher of the country in 1956 it was revised 4 copies.
1328. National Depository libraries are
1) The Connemara Public Library at (Chennai), 2) The National Library (Calcutta)
3) The Central Library at Mumbai, 4) The Delhi Public library (Delhi)
1329. Which of the following indexes only papers presented in the conference
Current research abstracts
1330. Classified Catalogue mainly consists of 2 part
1331. KWIC indexing techniques is based on Title
1332. Which edition of DDC was published in the year 2008 ( 22ND ED).
1333. UBUNTU is free and open source operating system. Latest version 'ubuntu 12.04 LTS' or
previous versions
1334. In 2000- Information Technology Act was enacted.
1335. The purpose of the Metadata are unique identification and Authentication of records.
1336. INTUTE is a free online service that helps to find web resources for studies and research.
Intute (Established 1996) is hosted by MIMAS at The University of Manchester. INTUTE
was closed on July 2011. Intute is funded by the Joint Information Systems Committee
(JISC), with support from the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), and
Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC).
1337. ICOLC - International Coalition of Library Consortia - An informal organization of
library consortia; the group focuses on consortia related to higher education.
1338. 1952- Classification Research Group was formed.
1339. 1963- The 6th edition of CC was reprinted.
1340. In 1951 Delhi Public Library was established by UNESCO’s, inaugurated by Pandit Jawaharlal
Nehru Public Library Pilot Project Delivery of Books Public Library Act was enacted in May 21st,
1954, Delhi public library in 1951.
1341. Saraswathi Mahal Library established on 1820 at Tanjore (TN), by Maharaja Sarfoji-II
1342. In 1896 Connemara Library at Madras opened to Public
1343. In 1948 Imperial Library Calcutta declared as National Library of India by then Education Minister
of India Moulana Abulkalam Azad.
1344. In 1891 Imperial Library was established in Calcutta by making different Government Department libraries together. In 30th, January 1903 opened to public by Lord Curzon. The National Library came into being in place of Imperial Library by the “Imperial Library (Change of Name) Act” in 1948. It was accorded a special status of an institution of national importance in the Article 62 in the 7th Schedule of the Union list of the Constitution of India and Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, the then Union Minister of Education opened the Library to Public on 1st February 1953.
1345. Periodicals are included in 1956.
1346. UNESCO defines a book as bound non-periodical publication 49 or more pages.
1347. ILFA conference was held in India in the year 1992 and 2010 (New Delhi)
1348. The most powerful library committee is (Advisory committee)
1349. Date stamp and date slip are used in Browne charging system is highly followed in Indian
1350. Spin label consists of (Class Number)
1351. Library statistics form the most important basis for
the presentation of (Annual report of a library)
1352. What are the important book selection sources (Human sources and Documentary sources)
1353. Agriculture of crons is the Lamination mode of formation of Subject
1354. Staff formula for personnel estimation was devised by (S R R)
1355. “Best is the enemy of good’ is said by Voltair
1356. Opaque paper is Ultra-white thin paper
1357. 3 logical stages in user education
1358. First edition of Encyclopedia Britannica Published in the year 1768-1771 of 3 Volumes. published
from Encyclopedia Britannica in corporation America. has been divided 3 parts. Propeadia,
Micropaedia it has 10 Volumes, three is Macropedia.
1359. The first automated citation indexing was done by CiteSeer in 1997
1360. Library as a living system “takes a new matter ,cast off old matter, changes in size and takes new
shapes and term.” Said by Dr. S.R. Ranganathan
1361. 1st Library act ant National Level in the world- 14 August 1850
1362. Lok Sabha Secretariate Library Service is called as LARRDIS
1363. Sadler Committee, 1916
Riche committee, 1926
Statham Committee, 1932
Fayzee Commision 1939
1364. Various Reports
1) Adams Report-1915
2) Mitchell & Kenyon Report-1924
3) McColvin Report-1942
4) Robert Report-1959
5) UGC-UK (Parry Committee Report)-1964
1365. Library Classification
1. DDC by Melvil Dewey 1876
2. Expansive Classification by C.A. Cutter- 1879
3. Library of Congress Classification 1902
4. Subject Classification by J. D. Brown 1906
5. Colon Classification by S.R. Ranagathan, 1933
6. Bibliographic Classification by H. E. Bliss 1935
7. International Classification by F. Rider 1961.
8. BBK (The Bibliothecal-Bibliographic Classification (BBK) 1968 USSR.
9. The Broad System of Ordering -1978 (UNESCO & FID)
1366. Library Associations World and India
1. American Library Association- 1876
2. Library Association (UK)-1877 now Known as Chartered institute of Library and
Information Professionals (From 2002) 1877 (now name changed in 2002 as CILIP)
3. Association of Special Libraries and Information Beureaux –ASLIB 1924
4. IFLA- 1929
5. UBC-1974, UAP-1976
6. Special Library Association(SLA) 1909
7. FID 1895, Huge, Information and Documentation (FID) dissolved in 2002
8. UNESCO 1946 located at parries
9. India Library Association 1933
10. IASLIC 1955
11. RRRLF 1972
12. INSDOC 1952 & NISCOM merged Now called NISCAIR 30,sept 2002
13. IATLIS 1969, Hyderabad
14. SIS 1976, Delhi (Society for Information Science)
15. Library of Congress United States. Founded in 1800
1367. Development in Libraries (United States of America)
1) Pioneer of Social Libraries- Benjamin Franklin
2) Boston Public Library Act-1848
3) 1st General library Law-1956
4) Library of Congress Shared Cataloguing service-1901
1368. National Libraries of the worlds
1) Bibliothec National, Paris (National Library, France) 1440
2) Imperial Library – 1835
3) Library of Congress, USA 1800
4) State Lenin Library, Moscow 1862
5) National Library, Germany 1912
6) National Diet Library, Japan 1948
1369. Pre-Coordinate Indexing
1. Kaisers systematic Indexing 1911
2. Relational Indexing- J.E.L.Farradane 1950
3. Coats Subject Indexing- E.J. Coats 1963
4. PRECIS-Derek Austin 1974
5. POPSI- G. Bhattacharya 1979
1370. Library Networks –India
1. NICNET 1977
2. ERNET 1986
4. DELNET 1988
5. ADINET 1993
6. CALIBNET 1993
7. MALIBNET 1993
8. MYLIBNET 1994
10. HELINET 2003
1371. Library Management Software and Digital Library Software Operating Systems
1. CDS/ISIS 1985
2. WINISIS Distributed in 1995, Version 1.31 launched in November 1998.
4. SOUL 2000
5. KOHA 2000
6. EPRINTS 2000
7. DSPACE 2002
1372. Cataloguing and Bibliographic Description Standards, Subject Headings
1. Library of Congress Subject Headings 1898
2. Sears List of Subject Headings (SLSH) 1923
3. AACR first published 1966
4. MARC 1966
5. AACR-I 1967
6. CCF 1972
7. ISBD 1974
8. UNIMARC 1977
9. AACR-II 1978
1373. Operting system
1. Unix 1969, 2. Liux 1991, 3. Ms-DoS 1982, 4. Windows 1985
1374. National Library and Established Year
1. Rampur Raza Library, Uttar Pradesh 1774
2. Connemara Public Library 1896
3. Khuda Baksha Oriental Public Library 1891
4. Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Pune 1917
5. Sarasvati Mahal Library 1918 (Became public Library)
6. National Medical Library, New Delhi 1947 (became NML on 1st April 1966.)
7. Delhi Public Library 1951
8. DRTC, Bangalore 1962
9. Raja Ram Mohan Roy Library Foundation 1972
1375. Post-Coordinate Indexing
1. UNITERM- Martimer Taube 1953
1376. Science Citation Index 1964
1377. Social Science Citation Index 1973
1378. Arts & Humanities Citation Index 1978
1379. Roget’s Thesaurus 1852
1380. Scopus Abstract and citation database of research literature
1381. J-Store (1995) Journal Storage
1382. Emeralds Full text Journal Publishers
1383. Science Direct full-text scientific database
1384. ERIC Database, (Education Resources Information Center), is the world's largest digital
library of education literature for Earth & Science
1385. J-Gate (2001) J-Gate is an electronic gateway to global e-journal literature
1395. Project MUSE (1993) Online database of more than 200 journals from non-profit
1386. EBSCO Reference Databases
1387. Pubmed citations for biomedical articles from MEDLINE
1388. IndMed A Bibliographic Database of Indian Biomedical Literature is an indexing of
medical and other biomedical journals from India not cover in Medline.
1389. LISA Library and Information Science Abstracts is an international abstracting and
indexing tool designed for library professionals and other information specialists
1390. There are Four (4) kinds of mnemonics’ is notation as recognized by Dr. S.R.Ranganathan
1391. The book “Classification and Indexing” and “Information Science: Theory and
Practice (1987)” was authorized by B.C. Vickery
1392. The facet formula for Education is colon classification is T(P) : (E), (2P). (2P2)
1394. In UDC, the inter-relationship between the two subjects is denoted by : (Colon)
1395. In DDC standards subdivision are similar to that of in C common isolates
1396. According to Dr. S.R. Ranganathan ‘Library Civics and Hygiene’ means Physique of Book
1397. Digital collection developed for capturing the intellectual output of a single or multi institution is
called as Digital Repository
1398. INFLIBNET initiative for “Integrated e-content ports: Gateway to All Learners” is named as:
1399. Intellectual Literacy Day is celebrated on 8th September
1400. Genamics Journal Seek the largest completely categorized database of freely available
journal information available on the internet. The database presently contains 95320 titles.
Journal information includes the description (aims and scope), journal abbreviation,
Journal homepage link, subject category and ISSN.
1401. Econlit The American Economic Association’s electronic bibliography, EconLit, indexes
more than thirty years of economics literature from around the world. Compiled and
abstracted in an easily searchable format, EconLit is a comprehensive index of journal
articles, books, book reviews, collective volume articles, working papers and dissertations
1402. REPEC Research Papers in economics. Collaborative volunteer effort to enhance the
dissemination of research in economics. The database contains information on more than
585,000 items
1404. PNotes (Pinned Notes or Portable Notes) is written entirely in C and Windows API (with
Pelles C for Windows IDE) Portable can placed on a portable hard drive, USB flash drive,
iPod or a CD and use it on any PC, without leaving any kind of personal information
behind flexible settings - both for the program in whole and for individual note.
1405. As per the staff formulae recommended by Ranganathan in technical section one
professional can do the technical work of how many books 2000
1406. A catalogue tray contain 1500 cards
1407. The provision of phase relation in DDC was made available from 7th edition
1408. Standards and Manuals for Thesaurus construction The ANSI/NISO Z39.19 Standard of 2005
defines guidelines and conventions for the format, construction, testing, maintenance, and
management of monolingual controlled vocabularies including lists, synonym rings, taxonomies,
and thesauri. Z39.50 is a client–server protocol for searching and retrieving information from
remote computer databases. It is covered by ANSI/NISO standard Z39.50, and ISO standard 3950.
The standard's maintenance agency is the Library of Congress.
1409. The first study regarding bibliometrics was conducted in 1917 by ‘Cole and ‘Eale’. They wrote
“the history of comparative Anatomy; part-I: A Statistical Analysis” so the term for the First time
used as ‘Statistical Analysis’.
1410. National Knowledge Commission (NKC) was constituted in June 2005 by the Prime Minister
Dr. Manmohan Singh, under the Chairmanship of Mr. Sam Pitroda, to prepare a blueprint for reform
of our knowledge related institutions and infrastructure which would enable India to meet the
challenges of the future.
The Terms of Reference of NKC are:
· Build excellence in the educational system to meet the knowledge challenges of the 21st century and increase India’s competitive advantage in fields of knowledge.
- Promote creation of knowledge in Science & Technology laboratories.
- Improve the management of institutions engaged in Intellectual Property Rights.
- Promote knowledge applications in Agriculture and Industry.
- Promote the use of knowledge capabilities in making government an effective, transparent and accountable service provider to the citizen and promote widespread sharing
1411. Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) is Government of India's flagship programme for achievement of
Universalization of Elementary Education (UEE) in a time bound manner, as mandated by 86th
amendment to the Constitution of India making free and compulsory Education to the Children of
6-14 years age group, a Fundamental Right.
1412. International Organization of Scientific Research (IOSR) is a registered independent
organization, a unit of CSIR (New Delhi) delivering supports and services to education
professionals and researchers around world, especially those from the developing countries.
1413. Cabell Publishing, Inc., was founded in 1978, Their goal is to help professors, graduate students
and researchers to publish their manuscripts in academic journals.
1414. Index Cophernicus Journals is a journal indexing, ranking and abstracting site.
1415. Q-Sensei pools and processes a vast amount of information from the Internet and makes it better
accessible to its users with its patented Search and Presentation engine.
1416. Ulrich's™ is the authoritative source of bibliographic and publisher information on more than
300,000 periodicals of all types academic and scholarly journals, Open Access publications, peer-
reviewed titles, popular magazines, newspapers, newsletters and more from around the world.
It covers all subjects, and includes publications.
1417. Microsoft Academic Search is a free service developed by Microsoft Research to help scholars,
scientists, students, and practitioners quickly and easily find academic content, researchers,
institutions, and activities.
1418. EBSCO is the only database aggregator that is also a subscription agent. As a result, the company
has a unique understanding of the needs and concerns of publishers.
1419. Scirus is the most comprehensive scientific research tool on the web (Outdated) The Scirus
homepage currently (Feb 2014) indicates that the service is no longer running.
1420. ProQuest connects people with vetted, reliable information. Key to serious research, the company
has forged a 70-year reputation as a gateway to the world’s knowledge – from dissertations to
governmental and cultural archives to news, in all its form
1421. Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature. From one place,
you can search across many disciplines and sources: articles, theses, books, abstracts and court
opinions, from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities and
other web sites
1422. CiteSeerx is an evolving scientific literature digital library and search engine that focuses primarily
on the literature in computer and information science.
1423. Jour Informatics is a non-profitable organization. It is a medium for introducing the Journals to
the researchers. This service helps researchers to finding appropriate Journal for referencing and
publishing their quality paper.
1424. “Choice of books is an unending work” said by C.A. Cutter
1425. N-List has been developed for the benefit for college libraries.
1426. The AICTE was set up in November 1945 based on the recommendations of Central Advisory
Board of Education (CABE)
1427. Resource sharing among libraries was promoted by the factors of Price escalation and Information
1428. The Bibliothecal-Bibliographic Classification (BBK). A classification system for the libraries of the
U.S.S.R., the BBK was elaborated by the Lenin Library in Masco (1960-1968) and published 30
volumes. The BBK consisit of 21 main classess
1429. Encyclopedia provides “Factual Information”
1430. The Broad System of Ordering (BSO) UNESCO in 1971 and elaborated FID was published in 1978
1431. In 6th May 1665 invented the Scientific journals
1432. (BIOSIS) Biological abstracts published by Thomson Reuters Philadelphia
1433. DIALOG was introduced by Roger K. Summit to provide Online Service is being provided by
IDRC, Information Service presently undertaken by Knigt-Ridder information
1434. Nalanda Database of Indian Libraries was created by NISCAIR
1435. Different nodes in a network are connected and they communicated are determined by the Network
1436. The network topology in nodes are connected to a central hub is known as Star Topology.
1437. Reader guide to periodical literature 1900 New York (USA) published by W.H. Wilson
(Cummulate book index)
1438. Half-Life of information by Charless F Gosnell, in 1944 realted to Rate of Obsolecence.
1439. An E- book which does not require an internet connection to access its contents is Digital Book
1440. The term "half-life" comes from Burton, R. E., and R. W. Kebler. 1960. The "half-life" of some
scientific and technical literatures.
1441. The Post Office Protocol (POP) is a protocol used by local e-mail clients to retrieve email from a
remote server over TCP/IP connection.
1442. The word Bibliography was used in the scense of copying for the 1st time in 1656 by Thomas Blount
in his Academic of Eloquence.
1443. Computer robots are simply programs that automate repetitive tasks at speeds impossible for
humans to reproduce. The term boot on the internet is usually used to describe anything that
interfaces with the user or that collects data
1444. Gerard Salton, was the father of modern search technology. Salton’s Magic Automatic Retriever
of Text included important concepts like the vector space model, Inverse Document Frequency
(IDF), Term Frequency (TF), term discrimination values, and relevancy feedback mechanisms
1445. Harvard and Cornell developed the SMART informational retrieval system.
1446. Advanced Research Projects Agency Network: ARPANet from 1972. First Search engine is
ARCHIE or Archieve in 1990
1448. The Guide was renamed YAHOO acronym for “Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle”:
1449. In 1994 Jerry and Davis’ launched Guide to the world wide web began
1450. Search engines use "spiders" which search (or spider) the web for information. They are software
programs which request pages much like regular browsers do. In addition to reading the contents of
pages for indexing spiders also record links.
1451. Browser WebCrawler launched in April 1994
1452. Lycos launched 20th July 1994
1453. Altavista lauched 15th Dec 1995
1454. HotBot, Looksmart and Google launched in May of 1996
1455. Ask Launched in April 1997 and MSM launched in 1998, Bing was launched in 2010
1456. VLIB Time Berners-Lee set up a Virtual Library in 1992
1457. 12-selection of classification scheme for the
library can be categorized as strategic
1458. Joan Blau’s Le Grand Atlass (French Edition) is the largest ATLAS available in the world
1459. Bibliography of Bibliographies come under the Tertiary Sources
1460. Author abstract which is written for a specific group of user
1461. In Research, Review of Literature consider as the most important component
1462. The term “Knowledge management” was coined by K. Wiig
1463. The term knowledge worker was coined by Peter Drucker
1464. Tacit to Explicit is the process of Externalization
1465. Tacit to Tacit knowledge is socialization
1466. Explicit to Tacit knowledge is Internalization
1467. Explicit to Explicit knowledge is Combination
1468. The term Intellectual Capital introduced by Stewart
1469. KWIC Indexing system uses a single term and an accession number of the document as an
indicator of reference.
1470. In AACR- Symbol used for :
(i) In AACR-II connecting symbol for size of the document - Semicolon
(ii) Connecting symbol for statement of responsibility - Diagonal Slash
(iii) Connecting symbol between place and name of the publisher - Colon
(iv) Connecting symbol for accompanying material – Plus
1471. Growth of information beyond manageable limits is known us Information Explosion
1472. The European Translation Centre is located at Netherland
1473. In Sear list of subject Heading ‘XX’ Denotes See also entries
1474. Associate Membership found on IFLA
1475. Octave Device increase the capacity of national in any array
1476. “Task and Bonus” system is developed by Henry Gantt
1477. Pascal Adding machine was invented in the year 1642
1478. Paul Otlet and Henry La fontaine the two persons responsible for the establishment of FID
1479. The components of a Network is/ are Media
1480. OCT is an a Input device
1481. One who makes a scheme of classifications is called as Classificationist
1482. Censorship of Information means Prohibition of the production and distribution of materials
considered objectable
1483. The keyboard consists of Alphanumerical keys, Punctuation keys, Function Keys
1484. National documentation centre in India are NISCAIR, SENDOC, DESIDCO
1485. LC Marks service began with US Imprints
1486. Computer Mouse was invented by Dougles Engelhand
1487. Translation service is a feature of Special Libraries
1488. The First device to employ concepts similar to a computer war ABACUS
1489. The FID/CA committee on classicfiation theory was found in 1950
1490. NACLIN is sponsored by DELNET
1491. The Disadvantage of “Bureaucratic Mode is conflict and Groupism”
1492. In the title “Prevention of Lung disease In india” the personality is Lung
1493. If there are two or more kinds of collaborates, which connecting symbols is used between two kinds
of collaborators in CCC ( ; ) semicolon
1494. “LB, 9.4.6” LB denotes System
1495. The term Literary Warrant was coined by W. Hulme, term means that that an indexer or
classifier has to provide adequate ground for the indexing, classifying (as well as the definition of
indexing terms and classes in classification systems) in the literature. Warrant is also the
justification for the inclusion of a term or a class in a controlled vocabulary as well as its definition
and relations to other terms. (Library of Congress Classification (LC).
1496. The term IRON represents in CC A Basic Subject
1497. Chemical Abstract is published by American Chemical Society from 1907
1498. Ribbon arrangement is associated with Shelving of Books
1499. RIC stands for Rider’s International Classification
1500. In CC & the Empty –emptying digits are u,w,y
1501. The Hectographic process is Spirit duplicating method
1502. Dizo copying is a method of Photographic Reprographic service.
1503. Biolography was first used by Louis Jacob De Saint Charles
1504. Readers Guide to periodical literature is a Indexing Service
1505. BLDSC is an example of Document supply Service
1506. MAITRAYEE Software was developed by CMC ltd Kolkata
1507. An Information system may be neither A mission oriented system nor A discipline Oriented System.
1508. SIRNET is operational by CSIR
1509. In networks, OSI stands for Open systems Interconnection
1510. FW Lancaster theory of scales for the measurement of operational variables
1511. Plotter is used for Printing Drawing and graphs
1512. IBM Designed Microlinix
1513. Hard Disk are also called as Winchester disk
1514. Fiber optical is used in Telecommunication
1515. Machine Language is a low level languages in computer terminology.
1516. When the power is switched on, the file which is automatically executed is the AUTOEXE.Bat
1517. In CDS/ISI has been developed by UNESCO, formatting language, V precedes a Tag
1518. Hawthrone Experiments were conducted by Elton Mayo
1519. System theory is developed due to the effects of Wan Bertallenfy.
1520. Pigeon hold rack is a type of Periodical display rack.
1521. Internal and External environment is considered at the of Planning
1523. E-Zine is a term used. Electronic Magzine.
1524. The term external criticism is relived to Historical method
1525. Descriptive language is a an Indexing language
1526. The relationship between the term “ship” and Boat is Semantic Relation
1527. The concept “used for’ in thesaurus is concerned with Equivalent relationship. Thesaurus contains
more subjects
1528. Applied Science and Technology index has been published by H.W. Wilson Company
1529. The degree to which the subject matter of a documents is reflected through the index industries is
known as Specificity
1530. The concept “Sought Links’ is associated with Chain Indexing.
1531. Library of Congress subject heading published currently in Five Volumes
1532. Mixed responsibility in AACR-2 in connected by ; (Semicolon)
1533. AACR-2-PART-2 Deals with Determination of Headings or Access Points.
1534. Sears subject heading are linked to appropriate DDC Number
1535. Ind Cat is a Union Catalogue of Indian Universities compiled by INFLIBNET
1536. National Library of Congress uses AACR-I code to catalogue its books
1537. The last Canon of Cataloguing enunciated by S.R. Ranganathan is Canons of Recall Value.
1538. Catalogue which has number entries and work entries is known as Classified Catalogue
1539. Matched list
a) British Museum Code 1841
c) Anglo-American Code 1908
d) Rules for Dictionary Cataloge 1876
1540. Class Index Entry in CCC is known as Subject analytical Entry
1541. Specific Index is provided in Colon Classification
1542. SLIC stands for Selective Listing in Combination
1543. The term Subject Reference code (SRC) is related to Board System of Ordering First appeared in
1544. Online Search Information Registration and Inquiry
system was the software of
1545. Cluster is formerly known as subject Bundle example’s Indology & Sindology
1547. The Dissections mode of formation of subjects now is nearly same as Fission
1548. The first English edition of UDC is considered as in 4th Edition
1549. Effective human resource management is focused on Action
1550. Fieder’s theory of leadership is known as Contingency Model
1551. Non-Programmed type of decisions are normally undertaken by the top level management
1552. Building expenditure is Capital expenditure
1553. The major areas to be covered in the library buildings is /are Architectural work, Departmental
Analysis and Environmental factors.
1554. Management Grid was formulated by Black and Moutan
1555. Likert name is associated with Style of leadership
1556. DEVSIS is promoted by IDRC
1557. Margaret Mann is known in the subject of Cataloging
1558. The Professonship in library science for the first time was created in 1886 by Goming University
1559. Expert System consists of . . . .
(A) Number of experts working in the system
(B) Computerized information system
(C) Information system built using artificial intelligence.
(D) Information system for experts.
1560. In Classified Catalogue Code, which of the following is ‘Number Entry’?
(A) Book Index Entry (B) Class Index Entry
(C) Cross Reference Entry (D) Cross reference Index Entry
1561. Delegation of authority means . . . .
(A) Transfer of authority by librarian
(B) Transfer of authority within prescribed limits
(C) Decentralization of power among library staff
(D) Sharing of power among library staff only.
1562. Concept of Feedback is found in . . . .
(C) System Approach (D) Job Analysis
1563. Broadband connectivity does not . . . .
(A) Increase speed of data transfer
(B) help in transferring audio-visual signals
(C) permit transfer through cable wires
(D) transfer data through electrical wires
1564. Bradford’s Law is used for which type of data analysis?
(A) Occurrence analysis (B) Citation analysis
(C) Scattering analysis (D) Rank frequency analysis
1565. Job Description refers to . . . .
(A) Enumeration and description of each operation in a job
(B) Analysis of a given job into different levels
(C) Assigning responsibilities
(D) Description of the duties of staff
1566. The principle of ‘Context Dependency’ is associated with PRECIS
1567. In the Cranfield studies (1960), retrieval experiments were conducted on a variety of test
databases in a controlled, laboratory-like setting. In the second series of experiments,
known as Cranfield II, alternative indexing languages constituted the performance
variable under investigation. The aim of the research was to find ways to improve the
relative retrieval effectiveness of IR systems through better indexing languages and
methods (Cleverdon, 1970). The components of the Cranfield experiments were: a small
test collection of documents, a set of test queries, and a set of relevance judgments, that is
a set of documents judged to be relevant to each query.
1568. If a new library wants to provide for 25,000 books, how many double-sided standard size
racks will be required 100
1569. After almost 20 years at the helm as Editor in Chief of the DDC, Joan Mitchell retired at
the end of Feb 2013
1570. Michael Panzer becomes the first DDC Editor-in-Chief from outside the United States.
Appointed 2013 March
1571. In 1985, some public libraries implemented the integrated library management systems Like
URICA, VTLA, GEAC, DOBIS/LIBIS with OPAC models developed
1572. NISO Publishes Maintenance Revisions of Dublin Core and SUSHI Standards Baltimore, MD - March 5, 2013 - The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) announces the publication of maintenance revisions of two widely used standards: The Dublin Core Element Set (ANSI/NISO Z39.85-2012) and The Standardized Usage Statistics Harvesting Initiative (SUSHI) Protocol (ANSI/NISO Z39.93-2013). Both standards were revised to make very minor updates.
1573. NewGenLib(NGL) Adaptation Program proves it a MYTH. Implementing NGL Open Source is not just cost-effective, it is ZERO-COST.
1574. Vidyanidhi (Meaning 'Treasure of Knowledge' in Sanskrit) is India's premier Digital library initiative to facilitate the creation, archiving and accessing of doctoral theses. Vidyanidhi is envisioned to evolve as a national repository and a consortium for e-theses through participation and partnership with universities, academic institutions and other stake holders. Vidyanidhi enhances access to Indian theses and enlarges the reach and audience for Indian doctoral research works. 2013
1575. Digital Library of India, part of the online services of the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
and partner in the Million Book Project, provides free access to many books in English and
Indian languages.
1576. National Science Digital Library (NSDL) aims at providing comprehensive S&T information to
students of science, engineering and technology in the country. Begun as a Tenth Five Year Plan
Network Project of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research.
1577. State Central Library of Kerala is also known as Trivandrum Public Library, situated at the heart of Thiruvananthapuram city, the capital of Kerala. It is the first public library in India; established in the year 1829 A.D during the reign of His Highness Sree Swathi Thirunal Maharaja of Travancore. The work of starting and organising the Library was entrusted to Col. Edward Cadogan, the then British Resident who was the grand son of Sir Hans Sloan, the founder of the British Museum. He was the first president of the Trivandrum Public Library committee.
1578. Michael Stern Hart, who at the age of 25, invented the e-book in 1971.
1579. Project Gutenberg offers over 42,000 free ebooks: choose among free epub books, free kindle
books, download them or read them online. All ebooks were previously published by bona fide
publishers. Project Gutenberg's founder, Michael Hart
1580. All forms of books make a valuable contribution to education and the dissemination of culture and
information. The diversity of books and editorial content is a source of enrichment that we must
support through appropriate public policies and protect from uniformity. " by Irina Bokova
1581. eGyanKosh- (Digital Library) a National Digital Repository to store, index, preserve, distribute
and share the digital learning resources developed by the Open and Distance Learning Institutions
in the country. Items in eGyanKosh are protected by copyright, with all rights reserved by IGNOU
1582. KrishiKosh, the Institutional Repository under Indian NARS (National Agriculture Research
System) for Agriculture and allied sciences having collection of old and valuable books, records
and various documents spread all over the country in different libraries of Research Institutions
and State Agricultural Universities (SAUs).New Delhi, 2012
1583. Secretary of Library committee – Librarian
1584. Students & Book Ratio as per the AICTE Norms
100 Title and 500 Volume on every 60 Students
It means 500 Divided by 100 = 5 books each Title prerserve/Purchase in Library
------- x 5 = 8 books per students will get from the Library.
1585. First Library Journal in India - Indian Library Journal
1586. Extension service to the Blind - 2nd Law of Lib.Sc. (Every reader her/his book)
1587. Library Legislation - 2nd Law of Lib.Sc. (Every reader her/his book)
1588. Associated with child Growth and Adult Growth –
5th Law of Lib.Sc. (Library is growing
1589. Weeding of Book - 5th Law of Lab’s. (Library is growing organism)
1589. Open Access - 3rd Law of Lab’s. (Every book
his/her reader)
1590. Public Law 480(PL480) - an American Law
1591. Radhakrishnan, Mudliar commission, Khothari commission for – Academic Library
1592. Parry committee (U.K.) for - University Library
1593. The Kenyon Committee(U.K.) -1927 the Kenyon Committee
on Public Libraries
1594. The Public Library Manifesto - FID
1595. General Information Program - UNESCO
1596. Oldest Indian Library science Journal - Library
1597. Library science with a slant to Documentation – Sarda Ranganathan Endowment for Lib.Sc.
1598. Herald of Library Science- Lucknow ,(Varanasi) Published by P.N. Kaula at the Eureka
Publications, [1962]
1599. LIBRI - Denmark
1600. Three Level of Management - Top, Middle, Operational
1601. Scalar Chain- Authorty structure,
Top to Bootam
1602. Span of controle - The number of subordinate to be supervised
1603. Library Authority Indicate - Library Member
1604. Library committee - A group of person drawn with in the Library and expert from outside and
representative from the user community
1605. Library committee is a example of - Statutory committee
1606. Book selection committee is a example of - Standing
1607. Zero Based Budgeting - The method of Budgeting which is not concerned with what happened
previously, but is more concerned with the requirement of the future.
1608. The different between expenditure and Income is Zero - Zero Based
1609. Inter Library Loan is the Function of – Circulation
1610. Kardex system by – Ramington rand of India for Maintained of Periodical Record
1611. Modular construction is - Model building
1612. How many catalogue tray for 10000
Catalogue - 10
1613. National Library open for All - 1 Feb. 1953
1614. The seven basic tools for quality control was advocated by Kauro Ishikawa
1615. In a classification scheme, the arrangement of groups consisting of Infants, Children,
Adolescents and Adults is known as : A facet
1616. A library has the following sections: Children Section; Periodicals Section; Audio-Visual Section
and Braille Section. Which of the following criteria have been used for this departmentalization
Function, Product and User.
1617. In a classification for Music, if at the first level, Music is divided into Classical and Cinema Music,
which canon of classification is violated : An array
1618. The connection between ISBD and cataloguing code is : ISBD includes Cataloging Code
1619. Under AACR 2, the main catalogue entry for a report published by the Department of psychology
of the : M.S. University of Baroda should be rendered as :
Ans : M.S. University, Baroda, Department of Psychology
1620. a PC connected to network is called Node
1621. Super Computer speed measured in terms of FLOPS
1622. A webcast is a media presentation distributed over the Internet using streaming media technology to distribute a single content source to many simultaneous listeners/viewers. A webcast may either be distributed live or on demand. Essentially, webcasting is “broadcasting” over the Internet.
1623. The UGC has launched an e-PG Pathshala Project for standardizing textbook materials for MA, M.Sc and M.Com courses in different universities of the country 2013 November.
1624. A mashup, in web development, is a web page, or web application, that uses and combines data, presentation or functionality from two or more sources to create new services. The term implies easy, fast integration, frequently using open application programming interfaces (API) and data sources to produce enriched results that were not necessarily the original reason for producing the raw source data.
1625. P N Panicker : Father of the Library Movement in Kerala passed away on 19th June 1995, at the age of 86. The Government of Kerala observes 19 June annually as Day of Reading (Vayanadinam) with a weeklong series of book promotion and reading activities at schools and public libraries to honors his contributions in the field of literacy, adult education and library movement.
1626. The Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) of the union ministry of communication and information technology helped in setting up the library, Ambuly added. The library will operate from the Birchandra State Central Library, the oldest library in the region which was set up in 1896 in the Tripura capital Agartala.
1627. Google was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brine while they were Ph.D. students at Stanford University. Together they own about 16 percent of its shares. They incorporated Google as a privately held company on September 4, 1998.
1628. Denis de sallo issued the first number of the first published abstract journals, called Joural des scavans
1629. Beginning with 1984, Scientific and Technical Documentation Centre (CDST) of Centre National de la research Scientifique has started bring four categories of bibliographic publication, namely, PASCAL SIGMA, PASCAL THEMA, PASCAL FOLIO, PASCAL EXPLORE.
1630. LISA is available for Online searching via 2 database vendor LOCKHEED DIALOG & DERWENT – SDC ORBIT
1631. Current issue of LISA and the back files to 1969 are available on a magnetic tape service, also available as a complete file back to 1969, on CD-ROM as LISA PLUS, Print file available. Database contains LISA’s sister database, Current Research in Library and Information Science (CRLIS) as a separate file, and also available for online searching via DIALOG and BRS.
1632. W.A. KATZ used the Phrase control-Access directional type sources.
1633. Press Clipping Service carried out using the News paper CAS service
1634. Xerography is the Wet process of reprography, it also called Electrostatic
1635. World Translation Index (WTI) is published by the ITC. It is published in 10 issues per year and has an annual Index. The “Annual Index” consists of “Author and Title Index”
1636. VINITI (All Union institute of Scientific and Technical Information 1952) is the National Documentation Centre of RUSSIA
1637. STRN is for Technical report
1638. First Notable Index is Pool’s Index
1639. Rank Xerox Machine was manufactured in England.
1640. A slanted Abstracts is “ One that is written for a specific group of users.
1641. LISA is arranged according to “A Special Scheme of Classification is published by PROQEST
1642. ATIRA is a database of NISSAT, which is related to TEXTILE database
1643. AIGAION is open source software for managing the bibliographic references.
1644. Blair and Maron evalution study on retrieval effectiveness of full text search is called
Crane Field-II projects
1645. In content to modulation, PCM stands for PULSE CODE MODULATION
1646. Statistical analysis - 1917 by Cole and Ealse
Statistical Bibliography – 1923 by Hulme
Scientometrics by T. Braun Nalimov et all.
Number of citation Received in current year IF = ------------------------------------------------------- Paper published in the journal in the previous two years |
1648. Non-parametric test are : U-Test, Kruskal-Wallis Test, Sign-Text, Run-Test, T-Test,
Null & Alternative Hypothesis, F-Test.
1649. U-Test is used to determine two independent samples have been drawn from the sample
population. F- Test can be either, depending on the hypothesis
1650. Serendipity is Making discoveries by accident
1651. T- Test is applied when the sample size is SMALL
1652. Multi dimension scaling is used to study Consumer attitudes
1653. The chi-Square test indicates a Non-Parametric test
1654. LAMP stands for Linux Apache, MySQL, Perl
1655. ZOTERO is a “Bibliographic Reference Management System”
1656. Education and Research Network (ERNET) was launched by the Department of Education
(DOE), Govt. of India in late 1986 with financial assistance from United Nationals Development
Programme (UNDP) to provide academic and research institutions with Electronic mail facilities.
It is currently used by DSIR Labs, research centers and academic institutions.
1657. National library has launched the “Indian Library Review”, an “electronic digest” of new
concerning Indian libraries, libraries, user, Scholars and policy makers
1658. Calcutta Public Library was established in 1836. It was not a Government institution
1659. The Imperial Library was founded in 1891 by combining a number of Secretariat libraries.
1660. Imperial Library, was formally opened to the public on 30 January 1903 at Metcalf Hall,
1661. John Macfarlane, Assistant Librarian of the British Museum, London, was appointed
the first Librarian of the Imperial Library.
1662. LOSS projects (library open source software). The characteristics and motivations of 126
LOSS developers associated with SourceForge, Foss4Lib, and Code4Lib
1663. Jill Colbert has been appointed Interim Chief Executive of CILIP with effect
from 1 February 2015 (Martyn Wade, Chair of CILIP Council)
1664. Kurt Sanford CEO, of PROQUEST related to ‘Dissertation Abstracts International'
1665. In 2015 The Association of College and Research libraries (ACRL) celebrates 75th
aniversity (1940-2015)
1666. The three major IR models are: (1) Boolean Retrieval Model (2) Vector Space Retrieval
Model. (3) Probabilistic Retrieval Model
1667. Bradford law (1934) - Scattering Pattern
Lotak law (1926) – Authors production
Zips Law (1949) Word Frequency
Eugene Cargield - Citation Indexing
1668. Management of the Library by Library Committee is an example of Participative mangement.
1669. EDItEUR is the international group coordinating development of the standards
infrastructure for electronic commerce in the book, e-book and serials sectors.
· Bibliographic and product information for the book, e-book and serials sectors
· EDI and other e-commerce transaction standards
· The standards infrastructure for digital publishing
· Rights management and trading
Created in 1991 and established as a standards organisation in 1994, EDItEUR is truly international
with over 110 members from 25 countries, including North America (Canada, United States), most
European countries, and the Asia-Pacific region (Australia, China, Japan, Korea).
1670. The ONIX for Books Product Information Message is the international standard for
representing and communicating book industry product information information in
electronic form. ONIX is an XML-based standard for rich book metadata, providing
a consistent way for publishers, ONIX for Books Release 1.0 was published in 2000.
ONIX 2.1 was fully supported by EDItEUR until the end of 2014. Codelists used in ONIX
for Books – controlled vocabularies of descriptive terms (separate schema)(semantic)
1671. Intrapersonal communication means communication within one person, i.e., talking to oneself,
reading something
1672. Interpersonal communication means communication between two or more persons.
It could be face-to-face, or it could be at a distance with the help of telephone or letters,
1673. Subjective, i.e., depends upon a specific user's judgment.
Situational, i.e., relates to a user's requirements.
Cognitive, ice., depends on human perception and behaviour.
Temporal, i.e., changes over time.
Measurable, i.e., observable at points in time.
1674. Delegation of authority involves Responsibility, Authority and Accountability
1675. AACR 2 divides the description into the following 7 areas :
1. Title and statement of responsibility area (Area 1)
2. Edition area (Area 2)
3. Material specific details area (Area 3)
4. Publication, distribution, etc. area (Area 4)
5. Physical description area (Area 5)
6. Series area (Area 6)
7. Standard number and terms of availability area (Area7)
Precede each area, other than the first area or each occurrence of a note or standard number, etc.
area, by a full stop, space, dash, space(.-) unless the area begins in a new paragraph.
1676. Index Translationum is a world bibliography of translations of Book
1677. D-Lib Magazine journals is available only in electronic form
1678. The Online Computer Library Center, Inc. (OCLC) is "a nonprofit, membership, computer
library service and research organization dedicated to the public purposes of furthering access to the
world's information and reducing information costs". Founded in 1967 as the Ohio College
Library Center, OCLC and its member libraries cooperatively produce and maintain WorldCat,
the largest online public access catalog (OPAC) in the world.
1679. Precision:is the ratio between the relevant retrieved documents to the total retrieved
documents froman IR system.
– Proportion of a retrieved set that is relevant
Relevant Retrieved
Recall : Recall is the ratio between the number of relevant documents retrieved and
the total number of relevant documents available in the database or file or an
information system.
– proportion of all relevant documents in the collection included in the retrieved set
= Retrieved Relevant
Precision and Recall
Precision (P) measures the ability to retrieve top-ranked documents that are mostly relevant.
Recall (R) measures the ability of the search to find all of the relevant items in the corpus.
P = |
Number of relevant documents retrieved
R= Total number of documents retrieved
Number of relevant documents retrieved
1680. A seminar is a form of academic instruction, either at an academic institution or offered by a
commercial or professional organization. It has the function of bringing together small groups for
recurring meetings, focusing each time on some particular subject, in which everyone present is
requested to actively participate.
1682. FIVE (5 Branches of Bibliography are Textual, Historical, Analytical or Critical, Systematic or
Enumerative, Descriptive Textual Bibliography bibliography seeks to identify variations in a
text and whether the author, editor, compositor, printer, or another is responsible for those
1682. Historical Bibliography Bibliography deals with the history and methods of book production ie-
printing binding , paper making, illustrating and publishing Bibliographic works differ in the
amount of detail depending on the purpose and can generally be divided into Enumerative
bibliography categories: Analytical or Critical bibliography , which results in an overview of
publications in a particular category and which studies the production of books.
1683. Descriptive Bibliography is the area of bibliography which makes known precisely the material
conditions of books ie- the full name of Author, exact title, date and place of publication... etc.
1684. Analytical bibliography is a kind of bibliography which determines the facts and data concerning
a publication by examining the signature, catchwords, cancels, and watermarks and making a record
in an approved form of results
1685. The MHRD dated 1st December, 2015 has merged following three consortia into E-Shodh Sindhu
of INFLIBNET Centre (An Inter University Centre of UGC) Gandhinagar.
1. UGC-INFONET Digital Library Consortium
2. INDEST-AICTE Consortium
3. NLIST Programme The INFLIBNET Centre has been assigned the responsibility for
execution and operation of E-Shodh Sindhu.
1686. The Big 6 model of Information problem solving” as enunciated by Eisenberg and Berkowitz.
1.Task Definition, 2. Information Seeking strategies, 3.Use of Information 4.Synthesis
1687. (IFLA) has approved the Professional Code of Ethics for Librarians and Other Information
Workers. A committee (consisting of five members from five countries) on Freedom of Access to
Information and Freedom of Expression (FAIFE)
1688. Lok Sabha Secretariate Library Service is called as LARRDIS
1689. Fyzee Report recommended the establishment of district, taluka, town and village libraries
1690. Name the characteristics of information in which the more information we have, the more we use,
the more it becomes useful Synergetic Characteristics
1691. Shoudganga : the Shouldganga@INFLIBENT centre provides a plotfrom for esearch students for
depsit their PH.D Theses and make it available to the entire scholarly community in open access.
The Repository has the ability to capture, index store, disseminate and preserve ETD’s submitted
by the researchers
1692. e-Pathshala : the MHRD under its national Mission on Education through ICT (NME-ICT) has
assigned work to the UGC for development of e-content in 71 subjects at postgraduate level.
1693. VIDWAN : Expert database is the premier database of profiles of Scientist/Researchers and other
faculty members working at leading R&D organization and other Academic Institutions involved
in teaching and research in india. It provies important information about expert background,
contact addres, skills and accomplishments.
1694. The term digital library was first used in 1994, in the prouects funded by the US Government called
“Digitial Library Project Phase I”.
1695. Armes (2000) defines Digital library as a Managed Collection of information, with association
Services, where the information stores in digital formats and accessible over a network.
1696. Clifford Lynch 1995 defined “ Digitial library is a system providing a community of user with
coherent access to a large organized
1697. e-Krishi Samvad, e-krish manch, Agri Portal an internet based Interface ICAR website
1698. SWAYAM (Study Webs of Active-learning for Young Aspiring Minds) online study programe
developed by MHRD and AICTE) online course MOOC ( Massive Open Online Course)
available for 8 groups, xi, xii, UG & PG non- enggering and Engineering, Management, out of
college student and teachers. 23 disciplines of e-content available. Four quadrants, video lectuture,
special prepared reading material that can be download/print, self-assessment test through and
quizzes and online discussion.
Inagruate by our presentment Pranab mukerji -9/7/2017. Developed by 1000 experts, faculty
members Institution like iits, JNU, Delhi university and Ann University, 408 courses available.
1699. ByJu’s mobile app for school student Science & maths lauched at Banglore 23/5/2017.
1700. Google launched Lens app (2017, May,17th) CEO Sunder Pitchai, As the company explains, the
smartphone camera won’t just see what you see, but will also understand what you see to help you
take action.
III - Short Notes
Following points about "Encyclopaedia" will be useful for UGC NET exam preparation.
1.The word 'Encyclopaedia' was first used in modern sense in 1559 by PAUL SCALICH.
2.The first edition of " Encyclopaedia Britanica" appeared in the year- 1768. Pulished from
Chicago, 9th edition of "New Encyclopaedia Britanica" is known as the scholar's edition.
New Encyclopaedia Britanica(15th ,ed.) was published 32 volumes in 2010. Encyclopedia last
printered ersion 2010 and stopped printing version April 2012.
3. Publisher of " Encyclopaedia Americana"- New York, 30 volumes, Grolier
4. The publisher of " Encyclopaedia of Library and Information Science " is MARCEL DEKKER
5.The editors of " Encyclopaedia of Library and Information Science " is ALLEN KENT and
6.The publisher of "International Encyclopaedia of social science" is MACMILLAN and FREE PRESS
7. Bibliology is another name for : Bibliography
8. ISDS established by UNISIST ( UNESCO).
9. Saraswathi Samrajya Bhavanam is located at Vijaywada.on 6 April 1968.
10. CERA is a consortia for Agriculture Sciences literanture
11. Principles of Osmosis has been propounded by Dr. S. R. Raganathan
12 Currently Central Library of Baroda is State library.
13.Who said" Each village should have libraries like we have thanks and wells? By B.S.Keswan.
14. Analytical bibliography investigates the Printing and other physical features of a book that yield
evidence establishing a book's history and transmission.
15. Methods of experimental enquiry were advocated by J.S.MIL
16. EndNote is a commercial Reference management software package, used to manage Bibliographies
and References when writing essays
and articles
17. EndNote is a product
of Thomson
18. Cumulative Book Index (CBI) for America, Published by
Willson, is similar to BNB for Great
19. CBI are published in
every month and cumulated annually
20. CBI is published by H.W.Wilson Company
21. Non Printer matierals, Government documents, Periodicals and
Self-Published work are
excluded in CBI
22. AIU (Association of Indian
Universities)has been bringing out a series of bibliographies
doctoral dissertations
accepted by Indian Universities since 1957.
23. Who is the Executive Head and ex-officio member secretary Director
24. Bibliographica
Universalis (1545) is the work of Conrad
25. Unit Bibliography is based on a single work
26. A world Bibliography
of Bibliographies is an example of Bibliography of
27. A world Bibliography
of Bibliographies was created by Theodore Besterman
28. The word 'Bibliography' was first used by Louis Jacob de Saints Charles
29. Keesings Record of world events (monthly) -published from LONDON
30. Facts on file (weekly list) -published from NEWYORK
31. Who's who in the world- published from CHICAGO
32. World of Learning-published from LONDON by EUROPA PUBLICATION
33. Concept of Reference Service given by Samual S Green
34. Guiness Book of world Records- published from NEWYORK
35. Universities Hand Book:India- published from DELHI by ASSOCIATION OF INDIAN
36. Europa Year Book: A survey published from LONDON by EUROPA PUBLICATION
37. International Encyclopaedia of social science by MACMILLAN AND FREE PRESS
38. The subject headings “Money” and “Inflation” are both used in a retrieval system
be linked by both “see” and “see also” references
39. IFLA introduced Advancement of Librarianship Programme
40. Identify the entity that belongs to first group of entities in FRBR Concept
41. Who's who of Indian writers by SAHITYA ACADEMY
42. India who's who by INFA PUBLICATION
43. Current Biography by R.R.BOWKER
44. All India Book Trade Directory by MODERN PUBLICATION
45. Directory of scientific research Institutions in India by INSDOC
46. Ulrich's International periodicals Directory published from USA
47. About persons - who'who, Biographical dictionaries
48. About places - Geographical dictionaries, atlas, maps, Gazetteers
49. About facts about a country - Statesman year book
50. About Literature references - Bibliographics, Indexes,abstracts etc.
51. About Technical terms in different subjects -Technical dictionaries,special glossaries
52. About words/phrases,meaning and usages,synonyms,antonyms etc -Language dictionaries,Thesaurus
59. Storage capacities are
v CDROM 650-900 MB
v DVD 4.7- 17.08 GB
v BLUE RAY 25-128 GB
60. EPISTEMOLOGY Means “Theory of Knowledge” is derived from Greek Language
61. International Patent Classification is a- Name of Patent
62. CYBERNATICS Means -Study of Control web
63. HISTOGRAPHY Means- Art of Writing History
64. What was Foot Note Called in the Earliest time - Scholia
65. To Know the Name Of Vice-Canceller of Karanchi University -The world of Learning
66. University Bibliographic control is a Programme of FID
67. A Postulate is - A self evident statement about possibility of thing
68. The title occurring in two or more language on title page is known as- Polyglot Title
70. The name Given Ranganathan for work relating to reservation of book in Issue/return section
- Bespeaking work
71. The Term "grace weeks " is used in - Periodical Section
72. Incunabula Means- The Book Printed before 1501 A.D.
73. Who is Known as "Biblioclast"- A Destroyer of Book
74.What is an Exhausted Edition - An edition has become out of Print
75. Diazo Process is used for making copies of - Micro Document
76. Size to Size Reproduction of Documents called –Facsimile or Facsimile Transmission is
Exact Transmission of the Orginal documents.
77. Redundancy of Publication means - Unnecessary and should be eliminated
78. Largest Gazetter of the world- The Time Index
79. Which Source to answer of "Recent articles on Ethnic Problem in ShreLanka” Sociological Abstract
80. A subject of small extension and great intention is called- Micro Subject
81. The term "Information Retrieval" was coined by Colvin Mooers.
82. Index and Indexing services comes under Documentation Service.
83. The term "search strategy" is used in Indexing.
84. Chain Indexing was developed by S.R.Ranganathan
85. Frank shepard was the originator of citation Index.
86. Systematic Indexing was devised by J.E.L.Farradane.
87. Co-ordinate Indexing was devised by Derek Austin.
88. Uniterm Indexing was developed by Mortimer Taube in 1953.
89. KWIC Indexing system was developed by H.P.Luhn in 1958
90. KWIC Indexing system is an example of controlled Indexing Language.
91. KWIC Indexing technique is based on Full Text.
92. KWIC Indexing system is being used by American Chemical Society for Chemical Title.
93. PRECIS(Preserved Context Indexing System) was developed by Derek Austin in 1974.
94. PRECIS first adopted for subject heading in BNB ( British National Bibliography)
95.In PRECIS, interposed operators is represented by Roman small.
96. POPSI ( Postulate based permuted subject Indexing system ) is invented by Ganesh
Bhattacharya in 1964
97. Eugene Garfield is related with Science Citation Index(SCI)
99. Social Science Citation Index( SSCI) was broughtout in the year 1973
100. The elementary categories of POPSI are DEAPM.
101.What is the another name of canon of sought heading - canon of recall value
102. Three kind of analytical entries-Author analytical,Title analytical,Subject analytical
103. Who started the cataloging in source- Library of congress
104. White elephant is the another name of - Catalouge card
105. According to CCC the name of an author is taken from out side the book, then how it will
be shown in the main entry- whiten square bracket
106. Libraries are fundamentals to a thriving democracy, culture, civilization and economy, is the mission statement of “Library Association”
107. Akash is an Android tablet computer joinly developed by London based company DATA WIND at IIT Kanpure
108. A title disclosed the subject of document is - Binders Title
109. What is the indecator sign for the omission of a long title according to AACR2 -(...)
110. Books of unknown or doubtful Authorship is Known as - A Pocryphal Book
111. MUMS is a one type of MARC system
112. RAK is a cataloging code
113. Periodical are entered under which of the following according AACR 2- Title of Periodical
114. What is EMCO index- The computer produced expert medica index
115. The indexing system KWOC is a revised form of - KWICK
116. LUCI is the another name of - Chain Indexing
117. What is the alternative name of "Telegraphic abstract" - Standardized abstract
118. Alternative Name of Post coordinate index- Manipulative Index
119. When an index system contains current as well as past year information then it is called -
Retrospective Index
120. Android is an operating system of Google
121. “Bharatiya byabahar Kosh” a Dictionary of Indian Language covering 16 Language
122. “Asian Recorder” Deal with – Summary of current events happening about Asia and also outside of
Asia happing about Asia
123. An Author is said to be a “Classical Author” if His at least one work is Classic
124. A Technique for identifying the theme of document from its citation is called –
Bibliographic coupling
125. A Bounded book which consists of Blank Leaves only is technically known as – Blank Book
126. A page without a folio number but included in overall pagination is technically known as Blind Page
127. A children’s Primar which appeared towards the end of the 16th century is technically known as-
Horn book
128. A publication whose title Page is missing is technically called – A nepigraphon
129. Who is a Bibliopegist- A book binder
130. Sale of rare book is Technically called- Biobliopoly
131. Intra fact Phase relation is used for presenting relationship between Two isolates belonging to the
same fact
132. Inter subject phase relation is used for presenting relationship between- Two Main classes
133. Subject arrangement of document is known as – Filiatory sequence
134. A subject with a basic subject and one more isolate idia is known as- Compound Subject
135. A subject formed by coupling two of more subject is known as( with same relation) Complex
136. Merrill’s code for classifiers was developed by – William S. Merrill in 1928
137. Who started the ‘Asiatic Researches – a Scientific Journal’ in 1787 – Asiatic Society, Kolkatta
138. The Calcutta circulating library started by – Messrs cock
139. Who was decided 12th August as ‘Librarian Day’- in the JOCLAI meeting held at Jaipur
during the 7th conference in 1989
140. Stop List, Go-List and Manual Tagging are used in –Keyword Indexing
141. The ‘CA-Condenates’ are cited as example for – Mini abstracts
142. Who quote 4 stage in reference Interview – Mr. Denis Grogan
143. Nest co-founder Tony Fadell is widely considered to the "father of the iPod"
144. International Gazetteer is published by FUNK & WAGNALLS
145. Implications of Fourth Law of Library Science of Classified Arrangement, Stock-Room
guides, Issue Methods.
146. The importance of reference services is the same as wisdom armed forces - Lois Shores
147. In which university library of India the post of reference librarian was first created in
1937- Madras
148. Which Librarian used the word Reference Interview for the first time – Margratte Hutchins
149. Who was the publisher of CC up to 6th editions - Asia publishing house
150. Who published the 7th edition of CC – Sharda Ranganathan Endowment
151. Who used first the term Thesaurus – Helan Bronson